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Aquarius New Moon: What will you release?

Published: Saturday, January 29th January 2022

An Aquarius New Moon is a powerful and significant harbinger of change. But it, in true Aquarian style, isn’t interested in the past.

An Aquarian New Moon is more interested in and inspired by the future.

There are likely to be plenty of reasons for you to feel similarly, too.


Since December 19, Venus, the planet of love, comfort, creativity, and money, has moved backward. So, that might explain why you’ve experienced slowness or stalemates in those areas.

As Venus awakens, you’ll feel life or movement returning. But with Mercury connecting with Pluto, truth emerges somehow. Your thoughts and communication could become more profound.

But ‘digging deeper’ for information or facts is likely, too. You never know what a bit of detective work, probing, or research will reveal!

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The forward-thinking Aquarius New Moon encourages you to release an aspect of your past. So, assess honestly what – or who – you cling to unnecessarily. Yes, you might feel you adopt a cold or insensitive attitude toward attaining this freedom.

However, a clean break is needed in whatever area Aquarius represents in your horoscope chart. It’s time to make space for the next phase emerging in your world.

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Since January 14, Mercury has been in the throes of the first of four backward journeys this year. It went retrograde in Aquarius. It moved back into Capricorn on January 25. So, the areas of your horoscope chart represented by Aquarius and Capricorn have been affected most.

As mental Mercury moves forward in Capricorn to return to Aquarius on February 14, life becomes more straightforward. You won’t feel progress is blocked, and computer crashes or travel delays are less of a problem. Misunderstandings or miscommunication will be less frequent. You’re also in a much better position to sign documents or negotiate.

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I wish you a successful, memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes