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Astrological Meaning of ‘Many Happy Returns’

Published: Thursday, March 22nd March 2018

Even the most skeptical people who dismiss astrology as hocus pocus hogwash practice and enjoy birthday rituals. It’s amusing though how unaware they are that these have astrological connections!

“Many Happy Returns!”

Each of us entered this world on a particular date, at a particular time and at a particular location. Once a year, every year, the Sun returns to the same position it occupied the moment we were born. That’s why we wish each other ‘many happy returns’. It’s a heartfelt request that the person experiences many more ‘returns of the Sun’ and lives a long life.

However, many people believe their birthday isn’t ‘official’ until they reach the exact time they were born on the day itself. Someone born at 18.00 might postpone celebrations until that time. In truth, solar returns don’t operate with such precision!

There is a calendar we operate here on Earth, and there is a calendar the universe works to. To explain how the two differ would result in a lengthy dissertation. However, solar returns can vary by up to 24 hours. This becomes more complex if you’re in another country on your birthday.

Birthday Tradition and Astrology

Astrological tradition dictates that the twelve months succeeding your birthday will be influenced by where you are at the time of your solar return. When the Sun – regarded as the most powerful and influential astrological influence – returns to the place it occupied on the day of your birth, you receive a gift of some sort. That’s why we make wishes before blowing out candles. It also plays a large part in why we receive presents.

A Birthday Gift From the Cosmos

However, we should guard against the belief that, just because it’s our birthday, the universe is willing to oblige us in any way we wish. It’s far better to be receptive to what the universe is keen to give or show us. We should also have absolute trust in the fact that what we’re being given or shown is the best gift we could possibly receive, despite how it might appear initially.

Birthday Teachings

Should we ever experience a less than desirable birthday, then it’s important to recognize the gift given to us probably involves the universe trying to teach us something important. It might also be trying to release us from something undesirable, inappropriate, irrelevant or unnecessary.

Always remember that the year succeeding your birthday has potential to offer you three precious and wonderful things: insight, understanding and appreciation of what truly matters in life.

To confirm your Sun Sign or obtain a unique birthday gift for yourself or someone else, then click here!

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