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Busy Mercury helps a grand plan – but what’s next?

Published: Saturday, March 19th March 2022

Busy Mercury takes a keen interest in working some magic in Pisces this week. It brings ideas and insights to Jupiter and Neptune that both planets need. This planetary trio really can turn visions into something real and tangible.


It’s that time of year when day and night are balanced regardless of where you live.

Until April 19, the Sun works its way through Aries‘s passionate, ambitious sign. This marks the beginning of the new astrological year. But it also gives you a chance to identify what could benefit from an injection of passion and ambitiousness in your world.

Aries is a sign of boldness, drive, and you are blessed with an increase in both. It is the area of your personal horoscope chart Aries represents that benefits most from both, too.

But until April 19, you’re reminded that ‘who dares wins’ and fortune does indeed look very positively on the brave!

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This connection occurs in Pisces‘s imaginative, intuitive, and compassionate sign.

As minuscule Mercury connects with ginormous Jupiter, Mercury’s qualities are amplified hugely. So, anything related particularly to thoughts or communication receives a tremendous, helpful boost. If there’s a point you’re keen to make, someone or others will be in no doubt about your belief in it.

But Jupiter doesn’t always know when to stop. It enjoys excessiveness, so be careful you don’t do the same with thought processes, plans or when communicating.

A Passion and Persuasion Q&A report provides a PERSONAL 12-month summary of where a passionate boost can help achieve your goals – or one in particular!


Mercury is busy in Pisces! Its connection with Jupiter conceived a grand plan or communicative strategy. With Neptune, the planet of dreams, spirituality, and imagination involved, creativity and heightened intuitiveness can assist it.

But it’s important to accept Neptune’s deceptive qualities, too. You could see someone or something in an idealistic or unrealistic light.

You could focus too much on somebody’s good points and deliberately overlook their not-so-good qualities. Be aware of how you could put someone on a pedestal undeservedly.

Where is luck on your side? Confirm this and more with a personal Lucky Encounters Destiny report! Here’s a sample!

I wish you a successful, memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes