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Published: Sunday, February 16th February 2020
Dreamy qualities exist this week. But this is the kind of daydreaming that has a purpose! With your ambitiousness heightened, prepare to prove to yourself – or others – what ‘you’re made of.’
Until March 30, Mars moves through this ambitious and goal-oriented sign. You’re unlikely to get caught up in pipedreams or enjoy taking impulsive risks during this period. You’ll see life through a more realistic and level-headed lens. You’ll also feel more inclined to assess directions you’re heading, and plan your next moves. That’s how you’ll turn ideas into realities. Find out for free what Capricorn represents in your personal horoscope chart.
If there’s an astrological equal of the mustache-twirling villain in silent movies, it’s this event. But don’t dread the communicative, travel, and technological mishaps that can arise with Mercury’s backward move. Instead, pay close attention to your thoughts and all forms of communication. Since Mercury is in Pisces, dreams and other intuitive messages could offer extremely valuable insights.
The Sun in Pisces marks the ending of one cycle before a new one begins at the Spring Equinox. So, it’s time to take a break, heal, and regain strength before starting anew. A dreamy period awaits but it’s one that is underpinned with purpose.
Connect with your intuition and follow your instincts. Dream and rest. But remember that your escapist tendencies can easily get the better of you during this whimsical, daydream-filled period.
This subtle, rare event enhances spiritual development and increases compassion. You sense the unseen and strive to understand it. The ‘bigger picture’ appeals more to you now. Infinite possibilities keep your mind reeling. No limits exist on your faith – in yourself, your future, dreams or spiritual beliefs. Prepare to discover how your compassion is enhanced and to feel more generous and empathic.
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I wish you a successful and memorable week.
Until next week, take care, be safe and, above all, be happy.
Best wishes