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One conjunction follows another – how will they affect you?

Published: Saturday, March 5th March 2022

A conjunction between Mars and Venus follows one between the Sun and Jupiter this week. So, it’s time to invest a bit more faith in what fires you up.

Then, embrace the cosmic support you have to turn an inspired vision into something real.


This combination occurs in Pisces. Don’t worry if you read this after March 5 – the conjunction has a week-long shelf life!

You have the biggest green light to proceed with an important plan or goal. Of course, much depends on what Pisces represents in your horoscope chart.

However, the Sun adds intense fuel to a desire. Jupiter amplifies. So, it’s time to think bigger, bolder, and steer clear of run-of-the-mill attitudes and beliefs toward what you’re keen to achieve.

Have faith in yourself and your ability to bring a vision to fruition.

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This planetary get-together is also extremely important. Both connect in Aquarius, so whatever area Aquarius represents in your horoscope chart will be affected most.

But this is the second Venus/Mars connection this year. The last one occurred on February 17, in Capricorn. This affected structures, hierarchies, traditions, and a strong focus on the past. We’ve certainly seen changes on the global stage with each.

But this time, in Aquarius, the focus is on new beginnings that rely on looking to the future. A leap in technology could affect us all. There will be a noticeable shift toward working together for ‘the greater good.’

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Until March 27, the planet of thinking, talking, and texting glides through Pisces’s imaginative, sensitive and intuitive sign.

Your dreams could be more vivid, and instincts could be heightened during this time. In Pisces, Mercury is in a wonderful land of rainbows and unicorns. It’s immersed in fantasy and idealism.

So, Mercury in Pisces will help information arrive from dreams or ethereal, spiritual ways. But you can expect to receive an influx of new, intriguing ideas and feel more creatively inspired.

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I wish you a successful, memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes