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Sept 18 – 22: What Should You Prepare For?

Published: Friday, September 14th September 2018

So, what’s so special about the coming week?

There are two notable developments during the next seven days that you might be interested in. In fact, make a point of taking an interest in them because they will influence you!


On Tuesday, we have the third of three challenging aspects between Mars and Uranus. The first occurred around the middle of May. The second was in early August. Mars brings the energy to this aspect. Uranus brings independence, freedom, and change.

You might need to count to ten, bite your tongue or refrain from releasing a tense, verbal avalanche someone’s direction. If you can manage to do all three, then you will have excelled at summoning ‘self-control.’ Cosmic pressure probably doesn’t come much greater than this. You might feel pushed to pick a fight or at least instigate a heated discussion. Something does need to change. You’re likely to be the person to make it happen, too. Maybe, if you weren’t under such pressure to do something, you might never have done it. That’s worth considering. Just do your best to summon self-control as you do it!

Mars and Uranus have important roles to play in your personal horoscope chart. Find out instantly by clicking here.


On Saturday the 22nd, Mercury enters Libra. Mercury represents, among many things, your mind, intellect, how you communicate and absorb information.  It is about to reflect the qualities of Libra.

It’s a shame that dusty, old astrology textbooks portray Librans as wishy-washy people incapable of making decisions. Libra is the sign of The Scales, but Librans are far from indecisive. The Scales represent justice, balance, and fairness. Those qualities sum Libra generally – except for the occasional time when a Libran decides that ‘fair’ is what’s fair to them! They can, at times, think that If you draw the short straw, then that’s your problem and one you ought to chalk up to experience.

So what does all of this have to do with you?

Whatever area Libra represents in your personal horoscope chart (and it could differ significantly from what you read in daily horoscopes) is about to be blessed with sharper thought processes, insights and an ability to communicate more effectively.  Click here to find out what Libra represents to you.

However, while the Sun was in Virgo last month, we were encouraged to give serious thought to important decisions we knew, in our hearts, couldn’t be delayed. Mercury in Libra is a reminder that a period of deliberating and weighing up options is coming to an end. We’re moving from a period of assessment to a time of action and decisions that need to be made – and made fairly. Will someone object to our idea of what’s fair? Possibly. However, if decisions are made genuinely with the best interests of all concerned taken into account, then they’re unlikely to be unfair.

Wishing you a very successful and an immensely enjoyable week.

Until next week…

Best wishes

Jeff's Signature