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Sun Trines Saturn: A reward arrives!

Published: Saturday, June 24th June 2023

The Sun trines Saturn this week, and that’s a cause for celebration! If there’s something you’ve knuckled down consistently with and wondered when you’d see a reassuring sign of progress, that could arrive this week or soon.

But when Saturn rewards us, it does it in style. So, reassurance could become delight.


Can you suppress a desire to rebel against authority or break free from certain constraints? If you say “yes”, you could discover both are more easily said than done!

However, be careful about making snap decisions without considering the repercussions. If you must be a rebel with a cause, make sure this involves bending rules playfully rather than doing anything that leads to regret or affects someone else unhelpfully – or hurtfully.

Facing a tricky decision? A FREE 3-card Tarot Reading could make this easier!


This event brings rewards for your hard work and consistent effort. A strong work ethic and perseverance look set to finally pay off.

As the Sun trines Saturn, you may feel ready to take on more responsibility, so a career-related promotion is possible. But whether an achievement or receiving recognition has you punching the air, you know you’ve worked hard and earned it!

A 12-Month Predictor is based on your birth details and lists key events affecting you by date. Get yours here!


This planetary combo puts you in a serious frame of mind, boosting your concentration and attention to detail. What you do will likely be done neatly, error-free and on time.

So, if you have to study, taxes to complete, important decisions or serious discussions to make or hold, this is an ideal time to do all of the above.

You’ll have reasons to feel confident about commitments made at this time, too. Friendships or partnerships you form have “long-term” written all over them!

Interested in knowing a child’s strengths and paths they’re most likely to pursue? A Child Report provides fascinating insights. View a sample here!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.

Best wishes