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Full Moon in Aquarius: There’s fun to be had (responsibly)…

Published: Sunday, August 2nd August 2020

A Full Moon in Aquarius accompanies a couple of tense squares this week. Acting responsibly in more than one way is needed.


Beware self-created prophecies. You may not care about rules, restrictions, or a need to be sensible. But this is no time to shake situations, throw caution to the wind or decide to hang consequences.

What’s needed are open-mindedness and a willingness to adapt. Be honest about what causes you to feel restless or as if impending drama, chaos, or doom lurk overhead.

You have a chance to show yourself and others how strong and positive you can be. That’s what will get you through the other side of any turbulence.  Find out for free how this event affects you personally.


You’re encouraged to understand the relationship between teamwork and individuality. You’re reminded that your ideas and aspirations can benefit others as well as yourself.

But you’re also urged to let your hair down, let go and enjoy yourself, safely and sensibly, of course. But be aware of how, during Full Moons, we don’t need as much booze as we may normally do to feel good or a glow.

This Full Moon occurs in a particular area of your horoscope chart. Find out for free what this is!


Mars, the planet of passionate energy connects with Jupiter, the planet of optimism, and large-scale success.

But Mars is renowned for being unconcerned about taking risks. Jupiter inflates or exaggerates what it touches. As wonderfully bold and daring as you might feel, don’t be irresponsibly hasty.

If you think you’re invincible or not prone to mistakes or accidents, then you could discover otherwise. Dial back your abundant energy – or bravado. Find out for free how this event affects you personally.

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I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and be happy.

Best wishes