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Full Moon in Leo: Passion receives a new focus!

Published: Saturday, February 4th February 2023

A Full Moon in Leo could be dramatic. But it intends to “separate the wheat from the chaff” regarding what and who fires you up – and what or who doesn’t.

You have a finite supply of passion, despite what you might believe.

This needs to be harnessed in the most productive and pleasurable ways. So, let this week’s lunar event help with that.


Although the Full Moon is either about to occur or has occurred by the time you read this, don’t worry. This potent lunar event has a six-month shelf life!

The Full Moon illuminates the creative, passionate and dramatic sign of Leo. The area affected in your world depends on what Leo represents in your personal horoscope chart. As always, you can confirm that free of charge here.

However, the Full Moon in Leo also squares up to the planet of change and surprises, Uranus. So, you’ll need to be more self-aware, open-minded and accepting toward an unexpected change.

But you’re also encouraged to look inward at how you express yourself creatively and passionately. Have you an underused talent or skill? Maybe, it’s time to focus a creative ability or unique gift in a new way. Is your sex life more ‘meh’ than magnificent? This potent pairing could change that, too!

But also be careful about how strongly you exert your independence in a relationship or partnership of any kind. A desire to distance or detach yourself from those closest to you could intensify, too.

A personal Passion & Persuasion report highlights where your talents and heartfelt pursuits can bring success!


Sweet smiles can sometimes conceal hidden agendas. We can’t always tell who is supportive or has plans to scupper our plans.

Fortunately, where you might sense something similar occurring, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open.

You’re about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position from information that will come to light shortly. Seeing the reality of a situation or someone’s actions will bring a change that clarifies what you need to do next.

What do the planets of love and passion have in store for you during the next 12 months? A Love & Passion Destiny report is tailor-made for you – or a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your plus-one!

I wish you a successful, memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.

Best wishes