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Full Moon in Libra: Be careful what chaos you create!

Published: Saturday, March 27th March 2021

Chaos might reign supreme briefly around the Full Moon. Much would be calmer and more manageable if the Sun  and a few additional planets in Aries weren’t adding to tension or confusion. But something pleasant or even sweet can be restored between you and someone with a willingness on both sides to do so.


Dusty astrology textbooks say Librans want peace at any cost and will do anything to create or maintain it. That’s not entirely untrue.

Yet, many Librans will decide to create chaos if they feel something has become too repetitive or there’s nothing more to learn or discover about something or a situation. So, during this Full Moon, only create chaos if you’re prepared to accept responsibility for it!

A few planets in Aries accompanying this Full Moon means impatience may need to be curtailed, too.

But Libra is also the sign of relationships. If anything has become imbalanced between you and someone, then here’s your chance to put things right. But be prepared to see something from their perspective.

Discover how this Full Moon might affect you personally – and when opportunities are ripe – with a Lucky Encounters Destiny reading.


You might feel encouraged to assess why a dream or fantasy close to your heart doesn’t seem any closer to manifesting despite your efforts. You might also need to consider if what you’re pursuing is done more out of habit than a genuine, burning desire to achieve or attain it.

This will be a time of reassessment and reflection. But you can be certain something helpful, valuable, and enlightening is on offer.

Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. What does Pisces represent in your personal horoscope chart? You can confirm this and where you’re most likely to find success with a Career & Ambition Destiny reading!

Your Weekly Video Forecast is available! Click or tap here to view it now.

Are you struggling with a choice? Get your FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and happy.

Best wishes