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Full Moon in Sagittarius: What to expect…

Published: Saturday, June 11th June 2022

A Full Moon in Sagittarius could be as pivotal and far-reaching as the conjunction between Venus, Uranus and North Node.

There’s no doubt that the coming week has a strong ‘out with the old, in with the new’ vibe. But sometimes, we need the universe to push us to make changes.

You can believe that any change is cosmically-sanctioned, too. So, it’s something to embrace, not fear or resent.


This powerful blend of energies could be a wake-up call or involve ‘smelling the coffee.’

Venus, Uranus and North Node are in Taurus. So, knowing what Taurus represents in your horoscope chart narrows down how this trio affects you.

Venus embodies anything or anyone close to your heart. Uranus represents change, rebellion and freedom. The North Node signifies how you move forward in this life, your future direction.

New inspiration supports a change in your life’s direction, particularly in the area Taurus represents. This enlightenment might come as a surprise, too. If you’re on track with what you’re meant to achieve, that will be confirmed. If you’re not or a new direction beckons, that will become clear.

What influences and shapes your future? A personal Karma & Healing Destiny report explains!


The Full Moon in Sagittarius reflects beliefs, attitudes and philosophies. So, you might question what you believe in an area of your world – and if an update is needed.

Questioning beliefs is supported by the Full Moon squaring up to Neptune. Neptune is the planet of ideals, intuition, and spirituality.

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So, a new way to achieve a cherished, inspiring aspiration could reveal itself. But it could also become clear that your current belief system won’t get you to where you want to be. Also, doing something the same way and expecting a different result can’t continue.

It’s time to remove yourself from a comfort zone, be more adventurous and explore possibilities you may have dismissed previously.

I wish you a successful, memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes