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Full Moon in Virgo: Work smarter, not harder

Published: Saturday, February 24th February 2024

A Full Moon in Virgo, also called a Snow Moon, pushes us to look inward, like an annual ‘inner health check.’

Physical health receives scrutiny. So, don’t be surprised if you cut out junk food or discover we’re nearly a quarter of the way through 2024 and you haven’t started the diet and fitness regime you planned on January 1! But we’re encouraged to focus on ourselves rather than others – what we give, how we ‘serve’, and what we receive in return.


This Full Moon in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo connects with a New Moon in Virgo back on September 13. A process commenced then comes to fruition now.

What does Virgo represent in your horoscope chart, and how will this Full Moon affect you? Confirm that for free here.

This Full Moon will have a heavy, serious and responsible vibe courtesy of Saturn getting involved. But a Eureka Moment awaits regarding how to work smarter, not harder.

If you’ve been working your tail off but not getting anywhere in some way, you’re encouraged to step back and look at how you do something, why you do it that way, and why you don’t get the desired result.

You could find that just a little tweak and paying more attention to details makes a big difference!

What potential issues exist in a love or business relationship? Are you and somebody truly on the same page? A 10-card personal Tarot Reading provides instant, fascinating insights!


This potent, far-reaching event occurs in Pisces. It would help to know what Pisces represents in your personal horoscope chart. You can confirm this for free here.

If you have sensed a need to knuckle down, be more responsible or apply more discipline and patience to a particular area, that time has arrived.

Saturn is the planet of karma and rewards. So, this could be a time of achievement, recognition or promotion. Much depends on how you have knuckled down or invested faith-driven effort in the area Pisces represents.

Should you experience being let down or disappointed, it’s not the end of the world. You receive helpful guidance and insights into changing course or setting new goals.

The Sun and Saturn assist in taking stock of structures in your world. You might cling in the present to methodologies or routines that served you well in the past.

New ways of doing something will present themselves to help you simplify your approach to achieving goals or one in particular. A less complicated strategy will make it (or them) much easier to achieve!

What does your destiny push you toward? A FREE Personal Future Destiny Reading could surprise, delight or reassure you!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and, above all, happy.

Best wishes

Jeff's Signature