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Published: Saturday, November 13th November 2021
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is definitely this week’s biggest astrological news.
It marks the start of a new season of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses during the next two years, too.
Eclipses, whether lunar or solar, are the most powerful, far-reaching astrological events. They work in unsubtle ways to reveal what needs revealing. They also mark not only the start of a new chapter but often a new era.
How the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus affects you will depend largely on what Taurus represents in your personal horoscope chart. But let’s take a look at what it involves:
The Moon is full in Taurus because the Sun in Scorpio illuminates it. Therefore, Scorpio brings mysterious, intense energy that becomes grounded and made practical by Taurus.
Taurus is tactile and sensual. So, you can expect to connect or reconnect with your senses at this time. As a result, what you see, touch, taste, and feel could be noticeably stronger.
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Jupiter has many positive attributes. However, its negative ones include selfishness, overindulgence, excessiveness, and greed. Of course, you can control how you show any or all the above. But your jaw might drop at how others display them.
Pluto represents what lurks in shadows and what we conceal. It destroys, rebuilds, and transforms. It may be time for you to look inward deeply and honestly to address a fear, rise above, and finally conquer it.
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I wish you a successful and memorable week.
Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.
Best wishes