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Hold on to your hat! Here come Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Pluto…

Published: Friday, December 18th December 2020

Hold on to your hat indeed – or anything that isn’t bolted down! Four heavyweights bring a wave of intense, far-reaching change.


Jupiter, the planet of luck, wealth, and all things mind-broadening, spends the next year in Aquarius.

Whatever Jupiter does, it does it ‘big.’

In the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius, significant developments await that will affect the world generally, and probably technology-wise.

Let’s see what comes to light around the 19th. It will affect us all.

How will Jupiter in Aquarius affect you personally? A Soul Profile report will tell you that and more!


Saturn has only just entered Aquarius – and it waits eagerly to greet Jupiter. To say a new era commences with this connection is an understatement.

It is believed this event marks the official start of the Age of Aquarius, the beginning of new regimes that will involve powerful individuality and freedom.

The structures that planet Earth has operated within are about to crumble. Those in power are about to see their people start doing things their way.

In what way does this event affect you personally? Find out here.


This event is explosive, confrontational, and transformational.

Pluto wants to transform an area of your world (whatever Capricorn represents) in its own way.

Mars has other ideas. It has become impatient with waiting to see what Pluto’s intentions are. So, Mars wants to get things moving. A battle commences. Mars is likely to win, too.

How this affects you depends on what Capricorn represents in your personal horoscope chart. Find out here.

Your Weekly Video Forecast is available! Click or tap here to view it now.

Your 2021 Year Horoscope Forecast is available too! Click or tap here.

Luck awaits you in 2021 – but where? Your personal Lucky Encounters Destiny Forecast provides the insights you need! Click or tap here to receive yours!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes