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New Moon in Cancer: One heck of a powerful fresh start…

Published: Saturday, July 3rd July 2021

A New Moon in Cancer heralds a fresh start or new beginning in a way that could be far-reaching and memorable.

But first, you have Venus’s connections with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto to get through the other side of!


Venus wants to indulge in love, luxuries, and the finer things in life. But Saturn is at hand to provide reasons why some or all the above can’t happen, or at least not now, anyway.

Saturn is all about restrictions and limitations. It could be your love life, finances, or both where you want to enjoy more freedom and fun.

However, Saturn wins this battle by insisting you be grounded, practical and responsible.

Saturn has a point and is trying to be helpful. Your mission involves spotting and accepting this point while understanding how being held back or delayed benefits you.

Then, Venus and Uranus have a brief spat, and Uranus wins this battle, too. But the good news is, Uranus encourages you to remove yourself from a romantic or financial comfort zone.

You’re about to be more innovative with cash flow and experimental romantically – or intimately.

You can receive more precise, personal insights into how this far-reaching event affects you with a Personal 12-Month Destiny Forecast.


New Moons are all about growth and the beginning of new cycles. This event in the nurturing and protective sign of Cancer connects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. So, this is no ordinary New Moon.

You have one heck of a powerful fresh start in whatever area of your personal horoscope chart Cancer represents. Uranus is at hand to make sure a change happens. Neptune brings imagination and possibly a cherished dream to this get-together.

Pluto will ensure you release something you cling to currently to make space for something integral to the new chapter unfolding.

Do you know what Cancer represents in your personal horoscope chart? The New Moon in Cancer affects you in a specific way. Confirm this and more with a Hidden Secret Destiny reading!

What developments await with your love life, career, luck, and finances? A decision can be easier with my recently-launched Tarot Service – and you can get a 3-CARD READING FREE by visiting https://jeffprince.com/tarot/?astro=/view/tarot-which3

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy.

Best wishes