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New Moon in Leo: Feeling optimistic and confident?

Published: Saturday, July 23rd July 2022

A New Moon in Leo marks the start of a phase whereby we harness passion and apply it in different ways. If we’ve lacked motivation – particularly creatively – or our libido has nosedived, a Leo New Moon could be the tonic we need!


A New Moon in Leo offers new beginning, clean slate or fresh start occurs in one of the most passionate and creative Zodiac signs. What makes this lunar event even more auspicious is the fact that it links brilliantly with Jupiter.

The New Moon in Leo particularly affects what Leo represents in your personal horoscope chart. You have a chance to turn over a new leaf or start a new project. You’re encouraged to assess new ideas, approaches or beliefs regarding this, too. But you’re also helped to embark upon something with – possibly unprecedented – confidence and optimism.

The universe is particularly supportive if your plan or pursuit involves studying, travel, business, media or law.

What potential issues exist in a love or business relationship? Are you and somebody truly on the same page? A 10-card personal Tarot Reading provides instant, fascinating insights!


When the biggest planet in our solar system moves backward, it’s big news. Until November 23, the planet of mind-broadening, travel, expansion, optimism, luck and spirituality grinds in the opposite direction.

Jupiter begins its retrograde motion in Aries. But the area of growth you need to focus on is so important that you may need time to get everything in order before moving forward in some way. To ensure you’re prepared for the luck, love or prosperity on offer, expect to be tested.

But Jupiter is also the Emperor of Excess and often doesn’t know when enough is enough. So, if there’s an area of your world where indulgence, excessiveness or addiction pose problems, a backward-moving Jupiter could halt any or all of the above.

We spot many opportunities on our life’s journey but not all of them. What does your destiny urge you to pursue?
A FREE Personal Future Destiny Reading provides tailor-made insights!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.

Best wishes