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Published: Saturday, March 9th March 2024
A New Moon in Pisces follows a tense square between Mars and Uranus. In more than one way, each of us could have reasons to say, ‘Enough is enough.’ The Mars-Uranus combo wants us to see what happens by stepping bravely out of a comfort zone. But the New Moon in Pisces, like any New Moon, wants us to acknowledge what is within our power to change or bring a fresh start with, particularly in the area Pisces represents.
“No inhibitions, make no conditions, get a little outta line, I ain’t gonna act politically correct, I only wanna have a good time…”
The lyrics to Shania Twain’s song sum up, on one level, the tense connection between Mars and Uranus.
Passionate energy (Mars) fuels change and rebellion (Uranus). So, where you may have wanted to bend or break a rule or two, the urge to do so could become too strong to ignore.
On the one hand, you have a superb opportunity to throw caution to the wind, do what you have dared yourself to do, let your hair down and let loose. You’ll likely escape any comebacks if you focus this intense energy helpfully, healthily and constructively.
However, this Mars/Uranus connection would love to create something out of nothing, especially tension or confrontation – and at the drop of a hat. This would likely be a disagreement or an altercation that leaves you and someone asking yourselves and each other where the heck that came from.
So, harness this energy positively and in a way that won’t lead to regret or an apology!
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Don’t worry if you read this after the 10th. This New Moon has a lengthy lifespan and connects to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17!
A New Moon is ideal for starting afresh, turning over a new leaf or starting a project. It encourages us to question old habits, attitudes and beliefs as we search for new and inventive ways to move forward.
The area of your world particularly affected by the New Moon depends on what Pisces represents in your horoscope chart. You can confirm that for free here.
However, this New Moon connects with dreamy Neptune and innovative Uranus. So, thanks to Neptune, our gut feelings are on point. Uranus dishes out fresh new, clever ideas. This adds up to the universe asking us to try something new or dare to be different where we’ve been inclined to play it safe.
The New Moon in Pisces is a portal to endless possibilities that can help a dream become real. All we need to do is be prepared to change how something has been done until now – and change some outdated thoughts and beliefs.
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I wish you a successful and memorable week.
Until next week, take care, be safe, and be happy.
Best wishes