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Will releasing feelings be pleasurable or confrontational?

Published: Sunday, July 28th July 2019


Until August 21, Venus in Leo encourages us to be less inhibited when finding or expressing love. Expect to feel more creative, inclined to show off, and speak from the depths of your heart. Although this can be a time of loud declarations of love, it can also bring jealous tantrums. Releasing feelings can have positive or negative consequences. Choose to do so pleasurably rather than confrontationally!


Somewhere in your world, ‘push’ is about to meet ‘shove.’ You can wait to see what happens when these two collide. However, you can alleviate potential stress or damage by taking action before you’re left with no alternative other than to accept what occurs. It’s by taking control of a tense or awkward situation that you’ll discover how powerful and influential you are. Releasing fears attached to ways in which you have felt inhibited or hamstrung is essential at this time.

What does destiny have in store for you? Written by me for you, a Personal Destiny report offers insights relating to your life’s purpose, where you’re likely to be most successful, lucky, and enjoy the deepest, passionate experiences during the coming months. Click here now for a free sample and to download yours instantly!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week…

Best wishes