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W/C 041019: A setback conceals an opportunity…and more passion is on offer…

Published: Sunday, October 6th October 2019

A setback could prove to be a blessing in disguise this week. Restraint might also need applying in more than one way. However, what comes to light or revelations that arise could be enlightening – and heartwarming!


Until November 19, relationships receive special focus while Mars occupies Libra. Mars is the planet of motivation and drive. Libra is a sign that wants balance and rules in partnerships. Expect to become more aware of key relationships in your life – and how anger and arguments reduce during this time. Seize a chance to focus on creating calm and loving partnerships rather than encouraging confrontation. Don’t see a need to recover old communicative ground to be a setback or step in the wrond direction, either.


You can, if you wish, become despondent toward a certain development at this time. However,  before you do, you probably know something wasn’t ‘right’ or needed improving. So, look closely at how a perceived setback spurs you on in some way. It’s time to let go of an old expectation and focus on the numerous benefits attached to starting afresh in some way.


You could have a difficult dispute to solve or a complicated story to unravel. A constant source of aggravation could make you feel less inclined to consider a particular course of action. It’s time to shake off apathy and seize a valuable opportunity. Like most opportunities, a perceived problem coul hide yours. However, trust that it’s real – and intended for you!


Until November 1, expect to crave – and enjoy – meaningful and intense experiences when Venus is in Scorpio. Depth and intimacy in a close connection become more important, even if love borders on obsessiveness. Anything superficial in your love life or a special connection will be identified and improved – or removed. Expect a major ‘relationship reality check’ and for much concealed between you and a certain person to emerge.


This could result in you doubting yourself, your decisions and actions. You might also feel noticeably more vulnerable, but this could be needed for you to make a surprising discovery about yourself. A lesson exists within a past situation that hurt you – mentally or physically. Expressing yourself passionately could be unintentionally angry at this time. As an emotion, anger is just as natural as any other. However, you have a chance to learn to dial back a tendency to apply force when expressing your needs and desires.

My popular Personal Future Destiny report is written by me, for you. Let’s focus on where more love, luck, and success can be enjoyed in your world – and ordering your free sample couldn’t be easier! Click here to provide the basic information needed for your report, and it will arrive by email immediately!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and be happy.

Best wishes

Jeff's Signature