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Venus Conjuncts Pluto: A relationship transforms…

Published: Saturday, December 11th December 2021

Venus conjuncts Pluto this week. If you want a relationship to become deeper in a wonderful way, it can happen.

But a special bond could go the opposite direction, too.


This is one of three connections Venus, the planet of love, comfort, and money, makes to Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration. The other two are on December 25 2021, and March 3 2022. Each event lasts around three days, too.

This combination may create ‘a match made in heaven’ or be ‘the start of a beautiful friendship.’

But the connection is also more intense than sweet. Pluto loves the dark side. It delights in revealing what can’t be concealed any longer. It enjoys manipulating and is prone to jealousy.

So, on the negative side, ‘intense’ could mean misuse of ‘pulling power,’ perhaps seeking a connection for revenge. An affair started at this time is doomed with a strong likelihood of it being exposed harshly and painfully.

On the plus side, a healthy connection could head into red-hot territory intimately in a way a couple may have thought only other couples experience and enjoy!

A personal Love & Passion Destiny report reveals what’s in store for you romantically and intimately for the next 12 months. See how this can transform your emotional world and love life!


Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, graces Capricorn until January 2. Mars, the planet of making things happen passionately grinds its way through Sagittarius until January 24.

So, Mercury will help you think logically and sensibly within the area of your chart Capricorn represents. But Mars won’t be happy for thought processes to take too long. Impatient Mars in adventurous Sagittarius will soon demand action replaces thinking!

My Passion & Persuasion Q&A Forecast outlines where heartfelt actions can bring impressive results in many areas of your world – with three questions and answers to help you further. See a sample done for Beyonce Knowles!

What can you learn from past lives? What karmic journey are you on, and does another await you? A personal Karma & Healing Destiny report provides fascinating insights!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.

Best wishes