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Venus in Cancer: Get ready to feel the love!

Published: Sunday, August 9th August 2020

This week’s most significant event is the arrival of Venus in Cancer.


Venus has had an unusually long stay in intellectual Gemini – four months, in fact. That’s why you might be weary from listening to your head more than your heart. You’ve had to assess how to bring or restore balance where it has been needed. You’ve had to say what you’d thought about saying for ages. Now, Venus in Cancer helps your heart to have a louder voice.

Venus is very comfortable in the caring, nurturing sign of Cancer. Until September 6, it will influence your attitudes toward love, money, how you feel about being in a partnership, and how to address your deepest needs and desires.

But what does Cancer represent in your personal horoscope chart? Find out for free how Venus in Cancer will work some magic for you!

While Venus is in Cancer, you will feel:

– more potential exists for greater intimacy, and keen to strengthen romantic relationships
– more comfortable at home or want your abode to be a veritable love-nest
– a stronger urge to care for others or more maternal
– a bit more moody, sensitive, and emotionally-delicate at times, wanting to retreat or withdraw to protect your heart.

With your heart wide open, you will attract and offer love much more easily!

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I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and be happy.

Best wishes