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WC100420: What in your world must be ‘broken down’ and ‘rebuilt’?

Published: Sunday, April 12th April 2020


Until April 27, the planet of thinking, communicating, and problem-solving wings its way through the passionate and make-things-happen sign of Aries.

Mercury‘s extended time in dreamy and blurry Pisces due to being retrograde contributed to why we’ve had our share of confusion and anxiety recently.

While in assertive Aries, lines of communication are reopened or widened. You’ll probably have no issue with saying what you think or feel, either.

But within at least one area of your world and on the global stage, the focus will shift to finding solutions rather than faults. The flimsy foundations supporting assumptions can also be rebuilt sturdier or stronger.

How will this event affect you personally? Find out for free what Aries represents in your horoscope chart.


We know that the bark of some dogs is more of an issue than their bite.

An annoying conflict could make itself known. It wants you to take it seriously. But you have a choice about how much of an issue it becomes, and your time or attention it receives. By all means, acknowledge the matter. But see it for what it is – a storm in a proverbial teacup. Click or tap here to find out for free how this affects you personally.


Something must be ‘broken down’ and ‘rebuilt.’ However, a situation or an arrangement will be better by doing so.

Focus on what you know is uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed if you instigate a change that can heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening. Click or tap here to find out for free how this affects you personally.

Why have particular events occurred in your life?  What developments await you? My Personal Future Destiny Forecast answers these questions and provides a unique, insight into what the coming months hold for you. Click or tap here to receive your FREE sample.

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe, and above all, be happy.

Best wishes