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What you want to happen can happen – but what’s needed from you first?

Published: Sunday, December 29th December 2019


What is it that you wish would happen, ‘hurry up’ or manifest? Consider why you feel so impatient – or possibly doubtful.

You’re better prepared for what’s about to happen in an area of your world than you might believe yourself to be. Refuse to doubt yourself or what’s progressing at an admittedly slow pace. Trust that your optimism isn’t unfounded. Then, let a process move forward in the ways it needs – and intends – to.


Until January 16, achieving goals and the strategies needed to do so could take up much ‘thinking time.’  Your communication is likely to become more direct or ‘no-nonsense’, too.

Don’t dismiss inspiring or motivating ideas as too fanciful or ‘too much hard work.’ If what your mind comes up with during the coming weeks excites and motivates you, then create a plan, even on paper or your laptop, to be clear about what’s involved to make your ambitious vision real.

Thinking about what you want to achieve is one thing. Creating an action plan to achieve it is another. Therefore, you can separate yourself from many other dreamers by doing so!

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I wish you a successful and memorable week – and an equally successful and memorable 2020!

Until next week, take care, be safe and, above all, be happy.

Best wishes

Jeff's Signature