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What does it mean to have ann Aquarius Mercury Sign?

People with Mercury in Aquarius will have unique and even unorthodox ways of thinking and expressing themselves. They naturally adopt different perspectives. Consequently, the rebellious, independent side of their nature will enjoy and also encourage debates or, at times, arguments.

Aquarius Mercury Sign persons enjoy science and technology

They adhere to systems and thought processes that often don’t make sense to others. They often possess a natural interest or fascination with science and technology. As a result, they keenly to play a part in or at least support anything surrounding humankind’s advancement or progress.

Aquarius Mercury Sign people make good writers

Often they appear to be eccentric and possess a love of controversy or chaos. Consequently, people with Mercury in Aquarius enjoy applying their unique ideas to anything they undertake. In addition, if the opportunity exists to convey their thinking to others, they will often seize it. That’s one reason why they make such good writers or speakers.

An Aquarius Mercury Sign person often has outlandish ideas

They assume that others have had similar trains of thought to themselves. Consequently, they are defensive if their light-years-ahead thinking receives resistance or opposition. A Mercury in Aquarius person believes wholeheartedly in what they’ve deducted or learned. As a result, there is no question in their mind that conclusions they’ve drawn are correct and ought not to be challenged.

The more outlandish or far-reaching the idea, the happier a Mercury in Aquarius person will be.

Read about Mercury Signs in Astrology

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Call or Text a Psychic

0800 970 2111 Free Phone within uk
0906 636 4500 Mobile: (£1.50 per minute)
1-866 282 3042 toll-free from usa
+44 207 111 6244 international callers

0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

SMS our psychics

text “jpastro”
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to 78887

SMS costs £1.50 per message received + standard network charges for messages sent, max 3 per reply. 18+, SP: InverOak.com PO Box 10015 CM1 9HH. To opt out of free promo msgs, call the Helpline on 0207 111 6210.

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