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What does it mean to have a Capricorn Mercury Sign?

People born with Mercury in Capricorn will apply a strict methodology to all they undertake. They do this through their appreciation of structure and organization. This might make them appear slow to rise to challenges. As a result, they give such intent focus to ensuring they are as resourceful and practical as possible. Consequently  they struggle to take on more than one project at once.

A Capricorn Mercury Sign person is reliable

They are, however, very productive and active mentally. As a result, often preferring to deal with information that has been broken down. They desire more manageable-sized pieces before assessing and processing it further.

They adopt an almost scientific approach to thinking and thought processes; everything must ‘add up’ and lead to a tangible result. This makes them unlikely to take many risks or be experimental in any way. Consequently, they have an innate desire to learn at their own pace combined with an equal desire to impress and achieve success. This makes them extremely reliable and often experts in their field.

Capricorn Mercury Sign people are serious thinkers

Their practical nature encourages them to choose words carefully with a view to making their point or conveying themselves as accurately and succinctly as possible. Those with Mercury in Capricorn will rarely daydream or entertain flights of fancy. If there is thinking to be done, then it needs to be given levels of seriousness it deserves and almost always with a view to any thought processes leading to a desired result.

While it might appear they are unfazed or show little enthusiasm, people with Mercury in Capricorn have great ability to concentrate, and it is this quality that can make them appear serious at times.

Read about Mercury Signs in Astrology

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius |

Call or Text a Psychic

0800 970 2111 Free Phone within uk
0906 636 4500 Mobile: (£1.50 per minute)
1-866 282 3042 toll-free from usa
+44 207 111 6244 international callers

0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

SMS our psychics

text “jpastro”
plus your question
to 78887

SMS costs £1.50 per message received + standard network charges for messages sent, max 3 per reply. 18+, SP: InverOak.com PO Box 10015 CM1 9HH. To opt out of free promo msgs, call the Helpline on 0207 111 6210.

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