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Aquarius 2022 Love Horoscope

While for the most part is it business as usual on the romantic and relationship fronts, the love gods in particular do have a surprise up their sleeve but they are saving that until later in the year. Considering that there is barely ever any planetary activity in the second half of the year of this in itself is a pleasant surprise but more of that later. Meanwhile, 2022 begins in the same way that 2021 began, with the North Node in your romantic sector but with its 20 month journey to steer matters of the heart in the right direction coming to a close. While not a planet or even a physical body, the North Node’s departure from your romantic sector will leave it empty for the first time since April 2019 though not for long.

It was in the closing days of 2021 that the dwarf planet Ceres retrograded back out of your romantic sector but she will return for a double dip visit from 9th February to 15th May. It is while Ceres is here, returning to a mission to update your heart’s needs and priorities that this year’s planetary activity on the romantic front will begin. It starts with Mercury’s return on 30th April and while he will leave on 23rd May it is by retrograding back out, returning for a double dip visit from 15th July to 5th July. Mercury’s first visit will overlap the Sun’s month long visit from 21st May to 21st June while his second will overlap Venus, the planet of love’s visit from 23rd June to 18th July.

Venus will leave just two days before all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year will be with Mercury’s return on 20th July. With no other planetary activity on the relationship front this year, the period from Mercury’s return to Venus’ departure on 5th September will provide some short and contracted support. From 20th July to 4th April Mercury, the planet of communication will work to get the communication lines open while the Sun will put the solar spotlight on your relationships from 23rd July to 23rd August. Venus, the planet of love will move through, weaving her magic from 12th August to 5th September. This is when the love gods will play the wildcard they have been holding up their sleeves when long after all planetary activity on the romantic front for the year should have ended, Mars will return on 20th August. The surprise isn’t Mars’ return and instead that while he is normally here for six weeks, he won’t leave until March 2023.

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