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Aries 2022 Money Horoscope

While things might be fairly quiet on both sides of the financial fence at the start of the month, that will change within weeks. It was in December that Mars’ departure from your financial sector ended all planetary activity on that side of the financial fence until the Sun returns on 23rd October. However, as this was just a few weeks before moving into the New Year, this allows you to begin the year with the means and the motivation to stay on top of money matters. While this has seen all the focus shift onto the income side of the financial fence, with Uranus still in retrograde motion in your income sector there is unlikely to be any sign of movement or at least not at first.

This could lead you to believe that there is nothing to get excited about but nothing could be further from the truth. While the Sun and Mercury won’t return to your income sector until April and this is when the most lucrative months of any lunar year will usually begin, there is a sudden and significant sea change on 19th January. Within the space of just a few hours, first Uranus will turn direct in your income sector and then the North Node returns, for the first time in 17 years. As well as providing a sense of direction and momentum through to July 2023, this sets the scene for a series of eclipses. The first will be a solar eclipse on 1st May and a total lunar eclipse on 9th November. This also means that when Uranus turns direct and turns the lights green, there will be momentum from the start.

The period from Mercury’s return to your income sector from 11th April to Venus’ departure on 23rd June are still likely to be some of the most lucrative months of the year. However, there will be a second wave when Mars returns to wage war on glass ceilings from 5th July to 20th August. Meanwhile, while the South Node will move into your financial sector on 19th January as well and together the lunar nodes will work to maintain a balance between income and money matters through to July 2023, the majority of the planetary activity this year will be on the income side of the financial fence. Unlike the months of planetary activity on the income front and Uranus there all year, Mercury and Venus will both move through your financial sector during the Sun’s month long visit from 23rd October to 22nd November.

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