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Guiding Tomorrow’s Billionaires

Published: Thursday, March 22nd March 2018

For thousands of years, kings, queens, and emperors had personal astrologers. These trusted aides would assist with identifying anything from the best time to engage in a battle to providing more dubious answers like who stole a pig or sheep from a certain person.

I find it both fascinating and reassuring that some of the most powerful individuals and companies rely on astrology to help guide them to success, similar to how early sailors accurately predicted the tides for safer travel. Apple, JP Morgan Chase, and even the US government have made no secret of this. In fact, it was John Pierpont (JP) Morgan, America’s first billionaire, who said: “millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Start by identifying astrological strengths and weaknesses

As mentioned elsewhere in this website, the basic principle of astrology surrounds planets in our solar system mirroring what’s happening on Earth. Astrologically, the times at which you conceive and ‘give birth’ to an idea, project or business, are very important. Planetary blueprints indicate the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise and different energies supporting – or hindering – it.

This helps with selecting ‘action’ days that will likely be more beneficial and fruitful when it comes to launching whatever-it-is. Equally, we can also identify less positive dates or periods and work around these. There are other, perhaps more complex, factors to consider when choosing the right date to launch something. For instance, if other individuals are involved, then their astrological make-up should be taken into account.

Understanding your astrological chart can help you to identify what types of projects or businesses make the most of your strengths and are therefore most likely to succeed. To obtain your free chart, simply click here.

Clearly, the success of any venture relies strongly on the amount of effort invested in it. If you’re considering launching a product, project or business, then here are a few essential points to consider before you start:

New Moon

New Moons represent beginnings. The time at which these occur – and one week either side – can be ideal for ‘planting seeds’ or to start new projects.

Full Moon

A Full Moon marks the end of a cycle or completion of a project. If you’ve put the effort in, then it’s an ideal time to reap rewards. If you’re considering launching something around the time of a Full Moon, allow a few days either side of it for the ‘end cycle’ and emotional energy to subside.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury rules, among many things, communication, contracts, and technology. Therefore, when Mercury is retrograde, (or appearing to move backward as it does 3-4 times each year) it is not an ideal time to launch a new project. Contracts signed at such times are often prone to delays or terminations. Essential information often emerges at a later date. However, Mercury retrograde periods are ideal for reconnecting with previous contacts or clients. They’re great for blowing the dust off ideas that got delayed previously or fell by the wayside.

Venus Retrograde

Venus governs all things beautiful, comfortable and luxurious, but also influences profits. Projects launched or investments made during Venus retrograde periods often don’t return profits as high as were expected.

Mars Retrograde

Mars governs action, energy, and competitiveness. When Mars is retrograde, projects take considerably longer to get off the ground. Those involved with the project might appear apathetic. A necessary ‘sense of urgency’ is unlikely to exist.

Jupiter/Sun Conjunction

This powerful aspect would indicate an extremely positive and potentially abundant time to start projects. It would be essential to confirm the aforementioned planets weren’t retrograde at the time. However, this planetary combination creates a perfect platform for reaching agreements, signing contracts or making investments.

Saturn Return

Everyone experiences this between the ages of 28-31. The urge to put down ‘roots’ and establish ourselves in chosen careers grows powerfully strong. As long as we adhere to Saturn’s strict rules regarding taking responsibility for our actions and doing everything ‘by the book,’ then problems rarely arise. Any enterprise launched at this time that involves ‘cutting corners’ or unethical practices is likely to find itself accountable for its actions eventually.