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Sagittarius Full Moon: Ready to take a risk?

A Sagittarius Full Moon has “explore” and “adventure” written all over it! You’re encouraged to throw some caution to the wind and hang some consequences – responsibly, of course. It’s time to acknowledge how and where clinging to a comfort zone holds you back. There’s a whole new world out there, proverbially or literally, waiting for you to discover it.


This planetary combination intends to test your character. It wants to see how you react if you don’t get your way or discover that achieving an important goal isn’t straightforward and requires more effort than you thought it would.

The Sun and Saturn aren’t interested in your needs. Instead, they want to create pressure in your world to remind you of responsibilities you may not treat as a priority in ways they think you should.

So, you could feel closely monitored by someone like your father, a boss or another authority figure. If you expect praise for recent efforts, you could receive the opposite.

But to get through the other side of this event, you need to show that you take certain responsibilities seriously and understand that “business” must come before “pleasure.” You receive a warning that someone’s on your case, and you can put something right before it worsens.

A FREE personal Destiny Forecast is your guide to challenges that are opportunities in disguise!


On November 23 2022, there was a New Moon in Sagittarius. This brought fresh start, new beginning energy to whatever Sagittarius represents in your horoscope chart. You can confirm that and more for free here.

The Sagittarius Full Moon marks the end of the process that began in November. So, it is a time of culmination, particularly related to learning, mind-broadening adventures, travel, beliefs and different cultures. You’re reminded that there’s more to life than the four walls you live within or your immediate vicinity.

Embrace the way you’re helped to think bigger, bolder, more adventurously or take a risk where you’ve preferred the warmth of a comfort zone.

Receive a personal 12-month summary of where success is most likely with a Prospects & Progress Q&A report!

I wish you a successful and memorable week.

Until next week, take care, be safe and happy.

Best wishes




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0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

SMS our psychics

text “jpastro”
plus your question
to 78887

SMS costs £1.50 per message received + standard network charges for messages sent, max 3 per reply. 18+, SP: InverOak.com PO Box 10015 CM1 9HH. To opt out of free promo msgs, call the Helpline on 0207 111 6210.

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