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Sagittarius 2024 Career Horoscope

Things will just be starting to wake up on the job front as you move into the New Year with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, having just turned direct in your work sector on New Year’s Eve but with Uranus still in retrograde motion and not turning direct until 27th January. This gives you a chance to move into this new professional year with one eye still on the road behind, another on the road ahead, but with both planets at a standstill with a chance to stand back before jumping into anything. With Jupiter leaving and bringing your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade to an end when he leaves your work sector on 26th May, there could be a sense of anticipation that creates a sense of impatience if you feel like things aren’t moving, but you not only have luck on your side but time.

It is not until Jupiter’s final weeks that everything is likely to come together, with a chance until then to ease your way into things and let the planet of luck and expansion take the lead. Knowing that once he leaves, he won’t be back for another 12 years but also that Uranus will stay on until 2026 to continue what he started, Jupiter is focused on the big picture and not just on the low-hanging fruit that you can snatch and grab as you race through. Jupiter will slowly pick up speed and if you keep pace, things will start moving and come together. However, the real push to bring things home will begin when the Sun returns from 20th April to 21st May, Venus from 28th April to 24th May and Mercury from 16th May to 3rd June. The Sun and Venus will leave just days before Jupiter leaves and Mercury will stay on a few days after to tie up loose ends.

However, it is after Jupiter leaves that you could achieve your greatest breakthroughs on the job front, with Mars returning from 9th July to 21st July to exploit and run with the momentum already created. What makes the timing of Mars’ visit significant is that he will not only keep work and job matters active and the momentum Jupiter has created going, but this will create little space between the end of the most active months of the job front and the first planetary activity on the career front this year. Mars will leave your work sector on 9th July and Mercury will return to your career sector on 26th July, with a chance to piggyback off the momentum created on the job front. Along with the Sun and Venus, this will keep things active on the career front until 26th September.

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