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Leo 2018 Career Horoscope Forecast

Your Leo 2018 Career Horoscope indicates so far as professional years go, they don’t come much bigger than this or as game changing. Nothing you have experienced in the past can prepare you for what this year holds or what this year will open the door to, for quite frankly there has never been a year like this before.

The planets operate in cycles. From the Sun, Venus and Mercury’s return to the same area of your chart once a year, to Mars’ once every two years, Jupiter’s every 12 years and Saturn’s every 30 years, these are the predictable cycles that we can expect.

Leo 2018 Career Horoscope – once in a life-time

What is happening on both the work and career fronts this year doesn’t fit into those cycles, for on both fronts you have developments this year that are in the once in a lifetime category. Yet this is set to become your new normal, for many years to come.

To start with all new developments are on the job front and this is still very new. You have had Pluto, planet of change and revolution in your work sector since 2008, so he has become part of the wallpaper, with an ongoing need for change, growth and evolution.

Leo 2018 Career Horoscope – plenty of support

Everything changed on the 20th December 2017, just two days before the Sun also returned, with Saturn returning for his first visit in three decades. You have had Saturn in your work sector before and he will return in another three decades, but you have never and will never have Saturn and Pluto together here at the same time and that changes everything.

Pluto has been working towards change, growth and evolution for nearly a decade now, while Saturn returns to give you the power to move mountains if you have to.

Together anything is possible and they will work together for the next three years. With Jupiter returning later next year, this expansive three-year period will only get better over the years. Starting the year with the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in your work sector means you have support for this powerful new year on the job front.

While Mercury will return from the 11th January to the 1st February, Saturn and Pluto will be on their own once he leaves. Yet Mars will also move through from the 18th March to the 16th May and then again from the 13th August to the 11th September, ensuring there is plenty of support throughout the year.

With such a massive year for job growth and change, you would expect that this would bode well for the planetary activity on the career front this year.

Leo 2018 Career Horoscope – year summary

With no major planetary activity on the career front for many years now, it is expected that this would be more back up for work and job matters and a short chance to get career matters up to speed. But as I said, there are game changing and once in a lifetime developments on the career front as well.

The most active weeks on the career front run from Venus’ return to your career sector on the 31st March to Mercury’s departure on the 30th May, a period that is unremarkable and the normal that you would expect in any year.

However, everything changes with Uranus’ return to your career sector on the 16th May, while the Sun and Mercury are still here. Apart from a short break from the 7th November to the 6th March 2019, Uranus is here until 2027.

This is long after Saturn leaves your work sector in December 2020 and even after Pluto leaves in 2024. With Uranus making his first visit since 1942, just as there are once in a lifetime developments on the job front it is going to change the whole dynamics of your professional game.

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