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Free Future Destiny Reading

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Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope Forecast

Your Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope indicates that the first thing that you are likely to notice about 2018 is a sense that a weight has been lifted off you, that you feel freer and lighter than you have in several years and you’re also feeling a lot more confident.

What you’re experiencing is moving into 2018 without Saturn, who had been in Sagittarius from December 2014 to December 2017. Over the last three years you’ve laid down the foundations for a new three decade long Saturn cycle. The fact that Saturn was in a good place for much of that time and there was a lot of support in 2017, made this a lot less challenging than it could have been, with the hard taskmaster of the cosmos still demanding a lot of you.

Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope – destiny

In particular, that you show up and become the master of your own destiny. Yet just as you finish getting a new Saturn cycle off the ground, you reach a point where you’re now bringing a 12-year Jupiter cycle home.

Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion will return to Sagittarius on the 9th November, kicking off a new 12-year Jupiter cycle of expansion and growth. Jupiter returned to your sector of subconscious thinking, imagination and review to begin the wind down process in October 2017, in Saturn’s final months in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope – relaxed feel

This created a situation where the lines between the past, present and future become blurred, with Saturn wanting you to push on and Jupiter wanting you to hold back. With Saturn gone from Sagittarius there is no longer that conflict.

While Jupiter doesn’t expect you to spend the year navel gazing, the planet of luck and expansion will give you permission and even ask that you spend more time in life’s slow lane. This is going to create a relaxed feel to the year and with Saturn gone, there will no longer be that constant need to prove yourself.

Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope – game- changing

Yet don’t expect this to be a quiet year, with some stunning and game changing developments on the income and job fronts. To start with the focus is just on income matters, as Saturn and Pluto meet up in your income sector for the first time in our lifetime.

With Pluto calling for change, Saturn giving you the power to move mountains if you have to and as they will work together for the next three years, old glass ceilings don’t stand a chance. This will change dramatically with Uranus’ return to your work sector on the 16th May, for the first time since 1942.

Sagittarius 2018 Horoscope – – powerful partnership

Uranus will take a short break from the 7th November to the 6th March 2019, but once he returns he’s here to stay. With Saturn in your income sector until December 2020, Pluto until 2024 and Uranus in your work sector until 2026, this is the start of a powerful partnership that will shape the coming years.

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0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

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