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Aquarius 2019 Love Forecast

Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope – fate in play

While 2019 is not a major year for either romantic or relationship matters, in that the love and relationship gods aren’t on the field all year, what there is, is all good. To start with there is a throwback to the last two years, in the form of a total lunar eclipse in your relationship sector on 21st January.

This is a super charged version of the Full Moon that falls here at some point during your birthday month, creating a clash between your personal and relationship needs. While the lunar nodes left Aquarius and your relationship sector in November, this is a throwback from that time, bringing a reminder of the balance lessons learned in the past. This could also be a catalyst for unexpected relationship developments. Fate will definitely be in play around this time.

Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope – spirit of romance

Mars opens the door to the most romantically charged months of 2019, which won’t fully run their course until Venus, the planet of love moves through from 9th June to 4th July. What Venus begins in the early days of March will continue for an incredible five months.

Different players will come and go during that time, but between them, they will keep the spirit of romance alive, for much longer than is normally the case. It is while this is still running its course that this year’s relationship developments will begin, with Mercury’s return to your relationship sector on 21st June. This opens the door to a shorter two month focus on your relationships, which will run from 21st June to 29th August.

After the focus your relationships have received over recent years, the love gods figure that in 2019 it is their turn. This includes Venus’ second visit to Aquarius for the year, from 20th December to 14th January 2020.

The year might begin with the focus on your relationships, but the love gods are having the biggest impact this year.

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