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Aquarius 2019 General Forecast

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope – making connections

A triad of support in the early weeks of the year really is a taste of things to come, with forces across the communication, friendship and relationship fronts working in unison. This centres on lucky Jupiter, who is spending the majority of the year in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking.

This makes this an auspicious year for connecting in general, being a team player and connecting with those who will not only play an important part in your life this year, but over the coming years. It is when Venus teams up with Jupiter from 8th January to 4th February that the laws of attraction and synchronicity will be in effect, with fate working to put you in the right place at the right time.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope – relationship building

A total lunar eclipse in your relationship sector on 21st January will create an especially auspicious and serendipitous time for friendship and relationship building. Fortunately, the year begins with Mars’ return to your communication sector on New Year’s Day, with an explosion of support on the communication front in the first two months of the year, to a slightly lesser degree for the next few months and then in a more background way for the rest of the year.

Jupiter will continue to make this a socially engaged and connected year until he leaves on 3rd December. This is when the 13 month wind down of your current 12 year Jupiter cycle will begin, one that will require more time to reflect.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope – home and family matters

You are already in the second of a three year wind down of your current three decade long Saturn cycle. With Saturn returning to Aquarius on 17th December 2020 and Jupiter on 20th December 2020, preparations are already underway for 2021, destined to be a powerful and important year.

In the meantime, Mars is set to become part of a wave that also makes this an important year for home and family matters. This is something that begins in earnest in mid February, but will gather strength and importance for the rest of the year.  At the same time, while last year’s professional pace hasn’t followed you into 2019, there is enough support to make this an exciting year across the income, work and career fronts.

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