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Capricorn 2019 Money Forecast

Capricorn 2019 Money Horoscope – intense start

There is nothing but good news on both the income and financial fronts this year, with a lot of the intensity and the cause for any financial tension over the last two years gone. Ironically, this is not because of what ‘is’ happening on both fronts this year and more because of what ‘is not’ happening.

The lunar nodes left your two money houses in November, ending an 18 month period that not only created a series of eclipses on the income and financial fronts but for much of 2018 had a lot of planetary activity thrown into the mix.

Mars only wrapped up a nearly six month visit to your income sector in November, just days after the lunar nodes left. While you will enjoy the benefits of that this year, at the time this kept financial tension at a fairly high level, as the North Node was forced to compensate by adding more intensity on the financial front.

Capricorn 2019 Money Horoscope – focus on income potential

There will be one last clash between income and money matters during a total lunar eclipse in your financial sector on 21st January, but after that they will retreat to their own corners, each claiming certain parts of the year.

And as they do they revert to the normal pattern of most financial years, which has been disrupted over recent years. That pattern is that money matters will take the middle months of the year and income matters will take either end. The lunar eclipse on 21st January will be an intrusion into that, but as a leftover from last year is more likely to act as a catalyst or trigger for untapped financial or income potential. The Sun’s return to your income sector on 20th January will throw the solar spotlight onto your income situation, matters and options.

However, while the Sun and Mercury will both be gone by 20th February, Venus will move through from 2nd March to 27th March. These weeks and during her second visit from 20th December to 14th January 2020, could be the most lucrative weeks of 2019.

Capricorn 2019 Money Horoscope – financial house keeping

Though a Full Moon on 16th August will be another potentially lucrative hotspot. After the lunar eclipse in your financial sector on 21st January, there will be no focus on money matters until Mercury returns on 27th June. This will kick off a period of planetary activity that will run through to 29th August.

This two month period will be a chance to take your financial power back, deal with money matters and take care of financial housekeeping. For the first time in three years, without having to compete with income forces.

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