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Libra 2019 Money Forecast

Libra 2019 Money Horoscope – income potential

This is a year when the balance of power shifts, with income matters that were the driving force last year taking a back seat and money matters coming to the fore. To start with that is not the case, for you begin the year with Venus, the planet of money still in your income sector.

This is a remarkable feat for a planet that returned in August, for what is typically less than a four week visit. Yet Venus returned during Jupiter’s final months and a retrograde turn took her out and a direct turn brought her back. As a result, while all other planets have moved on, Venus is here until 8th January, the perfect planet to exploit any remaining untapped income potential, but also to ensure this new financial year has a lucrative sense of direction from the get go.

Libra 2019 Money Horoscope – lucrative pockets

This will end a period of continuous planetary activity on the income front that began in October 2017, with a chance then to let things settle.

Apart from a Full Moon in your income sector on 19th May, there will be no more action on the income front until the next round of planetary activity picks up from 3rd October. However, once it does it will continue through to early 2020, with two particularly lucrative pockets.

The first will run from 9th October to 2nd November, when Venus makes a quick turnaround from her position here at the start of the year. The second is from 19th November 2019 to 3rd January 2020, with the whole period between these two pockets well supported. With a lot of professional momentum at the start of the year, even though Venus’ departure on 8th January will leave your income sector empty, there will be plenty of professional and income momentum by then.

Libra 2019 Money Horoscope – financial authenticity

In the meantime, while there is little focus on money matters at the start of the year, once things begin to move money matters will remain active for the next seven years. Things start to move with Mars’ return to your financial sector on 15th February, where he will spend until 31st March firing up your financial passions and fighting spirit.

This is before the Sun even returns on 20th April, to begin your annual financial review. It is on Mars’ watch that everything changes, with Uranus returning to your financial sector on 6th March, where he will remain until 2026. While income matters shift to shorter and more intense periods of activity, money matters shift more towards a long and slow burn, as you begin a seven year journey to gain more financial authenticity.

Over time, this is a chance to not just take your financial power back, but establish your own relationship with money. To have Mars fuelling your financial passions and fighting spirit from the get go is a good way to begin that journey.

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