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Virgo 2019 Love Forecast

Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope– sense of resolve

While romantic and relationship matters will both be vying for your attention from the get go, in terms of urgency in the very early hours of the year then it has to be your relationships. You start the year with Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos in your relationship sector.

It is not until Mercury, the planet of communication returns for an extended visit from 11th February to 17th April that the real mechanics of relationship building will begin. This gives you time to make January more about matters of the heart, with the two overlapping in February and March.

Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope – element of fate

Every year will always begin and end with the Sun in your romantic sector, always has and always will. This makes it the norm to have the solar spotlight on matters of the heart and all things romantic during the first three weeks of 2019.

What is not the norm is the solar eclipse here on 6th January and the element of fate this brings into play. This is all due to the South Node’s return in November 2018, where it will keep the element of fate in play until leaving in May 2020.

Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope – welcome relief

This will also determine where this year’s eclipses will fall. As well as a solar eclipse on 6th January, there will be a lunar eclipse here on 17th July. Saturn’s return to your romantic sector in December 2017 has seen you put in a lot of work and effort, with the hard taskmaster of the cosmos demanding that you take responsibility for matters of the heart.

While Saturn will remain here all year, with the South Node here things get a little easier, with the element of fate now in play. You also get more than a little help from Venus, with the planet of love making not one, but two visits to your romantic sector this year.

Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope –final turnaround

The first is from 4th February to 2nd March and the second from 26th November to 20th December. Venus’ return to your romantic sector on 4th February, just a week before Mercury’s return to your relationship sector on 11th February is what turns February and March into the most auspicious months of the year on both the romantic and relationship fronts.

However, with dreamy Neptune in your relationship sector until 2026, Saturn in your romantic sector until December 2020 and Pluto until 2024, there isn’t a moment of 2019 that the love and relationship gods aren’t active.

Things take a stunning turn on 3rd December when lucky Jupiter returns to your romantic sector to kick off your luckiest year for love in over a decade.

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0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

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