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Cancer Moon Sign people have strong desires to nurture and protect everyone and everything in their world.

They are also constantly having to do a ‘balancing act’ of sorts.

This often involves attuning the hard exterior projected to others with the extremely soft, sensitive person that lives within.

Cancer Moon Sign

Cancer Moon Sign people often adopt a motherly role

People with Cancer Moon Signs often have interesting  – and intense – relationships with their mothers. I say ‘intense’ because attitudes to their mother can swing from being extremely close or very resentful and bitter toward the person who gave birth to them. This ‘either/or’ scenario is partly why so people with Cancer Moon Signs provide a motherly role or influence to others. Much of your personality, attitudes, beliefs and outlooks have been influenced by your mother, and you often feel obliged to mirror this role among those you are close to.

Cancer Moon Sign people are very sensitive

Your acute sensitivity is the main driving force behind much of what you do. You will project an extrovert image to others because this, you believe, makes it difficult for them to spot any flaws or weaknesses. But you will also, from time to time, withdraw into your shell in the belief that if you keep yourself to yourself, then you cannot possibly cause offense or hurt, deliberately or otherwise.

Cancer Moon Sign people seek reassurance

You likely seek reassurance that decisions made are the right ones and how you believe people see you is the way they really see you. We all seek reassurance from others. However, you sometimes run the risk of having those you seek it from roll their eyes through believing they had made things clear the last time you asked them!

Cancer Moon Sign people mirror the Moon’s phases

I’m not trying to portray you as a wishy-washy, soppy individual. You are not. But your needs and intentions mirror particular phases of the Moon which moves quickly from sign to sign. When things are going well, you are unstoppable, unbeatable. But when things aren’t going so well, you retreat into your shell and begin drawing lists of imaginary reasons why you should be feeling responsible – or worse – guilty.

In truth, the more you learn to recognize and understand certain character traits and the reasons why you react and respond the way you often do, the happier you will be.

Famous Cancer Moon Sign people:

Keanu Reeves
Taylor Swift

Pick another Moon Sign:


To discover your Sun Sign and what it means to you, click here.

Call or Text a Psychic

0800 970 2111 Free Phone within uk
0906 636 4500 Mobile: (£1.50 per minute)
1-866 282 3042 toll-free from usa
+44 207 111 6244 international callers

0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

SMS our psychics

text “jpastro”
plus your question
to 78887

SMS costs £1.50 per message received + standard network charges for messages sent, max 3 per reply. 18+, SP: InverOak.com PO Box 10015 CM1 9HH. To opt out of free promo msgs, call the Helpline on 0207 111 6210.

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