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Aquarius & Aries Compatibility

View Aquarius Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Aquarius & Aries

Aquarius might appear to be emotionally detached, but a determined Aries can get past that if the desire to do so – and the powers of attraction – are strong enough. Both need independence in relationships, and Aries can be unintentionally possessive which only encourages Aquarius to be more aloof. However, a strong, long-lasting love connection is possible if both accept the different ways each other thinks, reacts and behaves. Aries can appear too preoccupied to Aquarius. Aquarius could appear too unpredictable for Aries. However, the shared desire for spontaneity is the underpinning strength in this relationship. As long as both partners reassure each other that their relationship is important and secure, then all will be fine.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Aquarius & Aries

There will be much laughter and frivolity in this connection, but that might explain why it carries on, possibly for years as a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement. It’s as if intimacy fits around constant adventures, or these are arranged to provide new or unique settings for intimacy to happen in! Aquarius can definitely summon intense passion and will try anything at least once, so be prepared to be shocked at one or two suggestions. Aquarius can teach Aries about true open-mindedness, and even if Aries is known to explore new territory, an Aquarius can take them to places physically and intimately that they never dreamed existed!

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Aquarius & Aries

Intellectually, you’re both on the same page and share a keen interest in cutting edge ideas. Aries will be intrigued by Aquarius’s erratic thought processes but will soon see that these aren’t whimsical or fanciful. They hold massive potential and Aries will always want to play a part in making them real. Aries will also be fascinated by the ideas Aquarius has that can change not only their shared world but humanity generally. This could be a classic case of Aquarius coming up with revolutionary or life-changing ideas and Aries chomping at the bit to run with them and turn them into reality.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Aquarius & Aries

Aries and Aquarius compatibility combines Aquarius’s visions and Aries’s actions. Their relationship is constantly evolving and never dull! Zodiac A strong bond of friendship will likely exist that never fades, and they have a special understanding of each other’s idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life. They both crave excitement and new experiences. As far as both are concerned, the wilder and more unusual these are, the better. However, both love to debate but have volatile tempers that can explode unpredictably. One way to keep arguments at a minimum is to stop teasing each other constantly!

General Compatibility between Aquarius & Aries

Aries and Aquarius compatibility is nothing short of unique and magical when it works. However, it’s what’s unusual or unorthodox about it that makes it a far from conventional relationship. Both view the world very differently, and although Aries and Aquarius compatibility can be fine on a friendship or a professional level, love and romance between the two can be difficult. Aries will undoubtedly admire Aquarius’s unusualness or eccentric qualities, and Aquarius will be impressed with Aries’s gung-ho, ‘make things happen’ attitude and approach. As long as both are willing to cooperate and accept that they have much to learn from each other, they can make magical things happen. Nothing will turn an Aquarius on more than seeing a partner helping to bring Aquarius’s grandiose ideas to life.

Aries Man and Aquarius Woman

The Aries Man releases passion and emotions in many different ways. The Aquarius Woman is the polar opposite as she suppresses emotions and assesses them quietly without allowing her Aries Man constant access to them. She doesn’t understand Aries Man’s tendency to release emotions in an over-the-top way when they can be managed calmly. It might have been Aquarius Woman’s unusual qualities that attracted Aries Man to her in the first place. His desire to win might have made her a very intriguing and appealing catch. Both want very different things from a relationship, and if common ground isn’t found, then it could remain in the realms of friendship forever.

Aries Woman and Aquarius Man

The Aries Woman, although very generous, will have undeniably selfish qualities. The Aquarius Man isn’t without any, either. He will pursue his goals determinedly, unconcerned about the cost to those closest to him. Both also believe they know best at any time, too. So what draws this couple together? It’s probably a belief that each other may have met their match, and neither can resist the challenge of winning the other over or gaining the upper hand in the relationship! Aquarius Man and Aries Woman compatibility is more intellectual than sexual, as the Aquarius Man is drawn to the Aries Woman’s proactivity and she is drawn to his innovative mind.

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