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Aries & Virgo Compatibility

View Aries Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Aries & Virgo

Both partners have different ideas about love and romance. Virgo seeks an intellectual love connection whereas Aries wants something passionate and intense. This connection will need to develop over time because Virgo will want to ensure a strong bond of friendship or at least familiarity is in place before embarking upon a relationship. This might not interest Aries whose approach to everything, including affairs of the heart, is to take immediate action and be unconcerned about consequences. However, Aries and Virgo can learn much from these differences, once they’re prepared to look beyond each’s surface to discover their hidden qualities.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Aries & Virgo/

There’s likely to be an undeniable and possibly instant sexual attraction towards each other from the outset. Virgo will be turned on by Aries’s passion, and Aries will be intrigued by Virgo’s teasing and sensual qualities. Aries loves to do the chasing and Virgo’s seemingly uninterested or nonchalant vibe will be powerfully alluring. They both share a desire for raw, uncontrived sex. Aries will probably be the dominant one and Virgo will be happy with that. Aries will also help Virgo to become less inhibited and use sex as a form of release from the powerfully grounding influences Virgo clings to in all areas of their life.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Aries & Virgo

Aries’s need for freedom and Virgo’s need for structure have a direct effect on how they connect intellectually and communicate. Aries is impulsive, always primed to fight when necessary and the release of a fierce temper can often be their way of communicating. Aries has no interest in long, drawn-out discussions. Virgo, on the other hand, craves lengthy conversations and views any exchanges as essential in forming mental connections. Aries believes actions always speak louder than words. Virgo believes words can be more powerful than any action. Both sides will need to be willing to summon plenty of patience and cooperation if even a basic intellectual connection is to be formed.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Aries & Virgo

Early in the relationship, Aries and Virgo might see only each other’s faults. Virgo will see Aries as brash, brusque and unrefined by Virgo’s standards. Aries will see Virgo is extraordinarily fussy, paying far too much attention to details and not taking action where it’s needed. However, if they focus on each other’s strengths, they can learn so much together. Aries can teach Virgo to be more spontaneous and adventurous. Virgo can teach Aries the value of patience, paying more attention to detail and how being amiable isn’t a sign of weakness.

General Compatibility between Aries & Virgo

An Aries and Virgo relationship will undoubtedly be challenging, but it will also have healing qualities. Both sides can experience conflict due to having very different attitudes and philosophies about life but can often find common ground that strengthens their bond immensely. This will be particularly true when an Aries and Virgo combine their respective talents to make the world a better place. Aries will glow from a sense of pride at having done so, and Virgo will be delighted to have done something charitable, or that has a far-reaching effect on others.

Aries Man and Virgo Woman

A relationship between an Aries and a Virgo is a combination of the courageous and the coy. The Aries Man will always have kind words to offer the Virgo Woman, which she will appreciate due to her tendency to be self-critical. The Aries Man is a brave and determined leader, balancing out the shyness, insecurity, and passiveness of the Virgo Woman. She will be happy for him to take the lead, too. The Aries Man might view the Virgo Woman’s lifestyle as tame compared to his but will always occupy his mind with ideas or plans that suit him, even if they don’t appeal to her.

Aries Woman and Virgo Man

Aries Woman is always keen to pursue new ideas but might often struggle to finish what she has started. The Virgo Man, on the other hand, takes details and perfectionism very seriously. He is always looking at ‘the bigger picture’ and prefers to take time to work out sensible strategies. Therefore, Virgo could be easily annoyed at Aries Woman’s inconsistency. Aries Woman could become frustrated with Virgo Man’s keenness to focus so intently on details or do anything in a certain, methodical way. If both are willing to accept each other’s different attitudes and approaches, then this can be a highly complementary relationship.

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