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Gemini & Taurus Compatibility

View Gemini Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Gemini & Taurus

Gemini’s amazing communicative abilities help with conveying words of love to Taurus, but if Gemini is unsure if their message of love is real, a Taurus will spot this immediately. Taurus wants words reinforced with actions that involve as many of the five senses as possible. Gemini will want the connection to blossom overnight, and Taurus will want gradual, old-fashioned courtship. If Gemini wants to win Taurus’s heart, then Gemini will need to be prepared to be patient and more physically demonstrative. Taurus will also need to decide if Gemini’s flirtatious, erratic ways go against the grain of stability and loyalty Taurus demands.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Gemini & Taurus

Sensual Taurus has a deep need for physical touch and stimulation of all the senses when it comes to intimacy. Gemini has a powerful libido but prefers intellectual stimulation over emotional bonding. Gemini might come up with red-hot words that arouse a Taurus partner, but a Taurus will feel as if an essential aspect of sex is missing if intimacy is too verbal. Sex to a Gemini is recreational, and Taurus wants it always to be special and planned. Gemini must learn to slow down and be more attentive physically. Taurus must be a bit more spontaneous. Sex between a Taurus and Gemini can then become a fantastic verbal and physical connection.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Gemini & Taurus

Taurus loves stimulating conversation, especially if it involves the discovery of interesting facts. Gemini has an encyclopedic mind and can produce as many interesting facts as Taurus can handle. Once a Taurus and Gemini start talking, they could talk until sunrise or beyond! Taurus also loves poetry, and if Gemini can put a creative and imaginative spin on words, then a Taurus will hang off every one. However, just as Gemini believes progress is being made with an intellectual connection, Taurus could suddenly want chitchat to cease and for a physical connection to become the main focus. Gemini will need to learn when the time for talking ends and the time for physical closeness begins.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Gemini & Taurus

A Taurus and Gemini have much to offer and learn from each other, but plenty of adjustment and effort will be needed on both sides. Taurus demands stability and commitment, and the freedom-loving Gemini might struggle to provide both. Taurus might have been captivated by Gemini’s enthusiasm at the beginning of the relationship, but if it becomes excessive or childlike, then Taurus will find it irritating over time. Taurus can help Gemini to be grounded and tethered to reality. Gemini can help Taurus to accept that amazing discoveries in life require a willingness to be removed from comfort zones occasionally.

General Compatibility between Gemini & Taurus

Compatibility between a Taurus and Gemini can be a thrilling experience. Gemini’s spontaneity can help Taurus to discover a new world of opportunities that were invisible from the comfort zones Taurus prefers to remain within. In turn, Taurus can bring some much-needed structure and consistency into Gemini’s world. However, finding common ground won’t be easy, but it needn’t be difficult either if both can connect with and share their innate sense of fun and adventure. Taurus does have one, and Gemini is the perfect person to bring it out of them.

Taurus Man and Gemini Woman

The Gemini Woman’s mind is constantly whirring, and this will affect the expectations she has of her Taurus Man. She will want him to understand her random thought processes and his role in making her ideas become real. This would be easier if Taurus Man wasn’t left scratching his head constantly at the vast array of ideas she comes up that he’s supposed to make sense of immediately. Eventually, his legendary patience will be tested or wear out. He wants stability, calmness, and predictability from his Gemini Woman and she will struggle with providing each. He will also expect his Gemini Woman to be completely faithful. Her tendency to flirt – regardless of how harmless it might be – will make Taurus Man see red.

Taurus Woman and Gemini Man

A Taurus Woman and Gemini Man live life at different speeds. The Taurus Woman is cautious, thinks deeply and resists change. Stability and predictability are important to her. The Gemini Man’s life, on the other hand, is constantly on the move and he believes life is more interesting without comfort zones. Therefore, his patience could be tested by his conservative Taurus woman. The Taurus Woman appreciates the Gemini Man’s intellect, and he can help her to enjoy life more by appreciating the magic that comes from being spontaneous and accepting not everything in life must be planned. However, Taurus Woman and Gemini Man compatibility will need to overcome issues surrounding the speed at which they live their lives if it is to flourish.

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