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Taurus & Aries Compatibility

View Taurus Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Taurus & Aries

With this pairing, Aries brings passion and spontaneity to the connection and Taurus brings love, sensuality, and stability. However, a constant need to find a balance between each other’s attitudes toward love and romance will exist. Aries wants immediate results and will be unlikely initially to understand Taurus’s need for love to unfold and progress slowly, with plenty of wooing and romancing involved. Both have much to offer and learn from each other romantically. Aries can help Taurus to connect with more frequently with their spontaneous and adventurous side. Taurus can help Aries to understand and appreciate the benefits of being less impulsive or impatient and allow a friendship to become a deeper, more intimate connection gradually.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Taurus & Aries

A strong, sexual attraction could be felt from the outset with an Aries and a Taurus. However, they have much to learn about each other’s attitudes toward intimacy. Aries’s approach to sex is impulsive, and they often view sex simply as a form of mental and physical release. As far as Aries is concerned, foreplay only delays the ultimate goal of a climax. Taurus, on the other hand, views sex as an art to be perfected over time and needs to know an emotional connection always exists and is underpinned by a combination of gentleness, sensuality, and passion.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Taurus & Aries

Both Aries and Taurus are stubborn. It is this trait that makes communicating and connecting intellectually difficult at times, but it needn’t be a permanent obstacle. Aries has many strong beliefs and opinions that Taurus will be expected to agree with. However, unless Aries learns to apply more tact and sensitivity when communicating, the Taurus will refuse to listen. If given a choice, a Taurus will steer clear of confrontation or heated discussions. However, Aries’s brash and insensitive communication style could push and provoke a Taurus to react aggressively. As long as both have a ‘code word’ for when communication veers into tense territory and effort is made to listen on both sides, then all will be fine.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Taurus & Aries

The greatest strength of an Aries and Taurus couple involves the lifelong learning curve both can embark upon together. Their contrasting personalities and ability to learn from each other can make the relationship a mutually giving and satisfying one. Aries will appreciate Taurus’s stability and loyalty. Taurus will appreciate Aries’s drive, determination, and spontaneity. The most likely weakness in this connection will involve Taurus’s keenness to settle down while Aries wants the freedom to roam. To make this relationship work, Taurus will need to provide stability and grounding while Aries ensures the relationship never becomes painfully predictable.

General Compatibility between Taurus & Aries

This relationship can be more of a shared adventure than a love match. Aries will always have ideas that involve exploring unfamiliar territory. Taurus’s love of travel and new sights will make them an ideal companion. However, Aries will need to understand that their Taurus partner has some strict ideas about the need for sensibility and predictability in life. They will be understanding of Aries’s impulsive desires but only to a point. If Taurus allows Aries to come up with adventures for the two of them to explore while Taurus manages all the practical details, then the relationship can thrive.

Aries Man and Taurus Woman

Despite his machismo and competitive exterior, the Aries Man needs stability in his life, and his Taurus Woman is ideally placed to provide it. The Aries Man will always have many interests at any time but will ensure his Taurus Woman doesn’t feel inferior to them. However, he will expect, in return, for his Taurus Woman to accept that she mustn’t interfere with or question his decisions. It might take time for an Aries Man to discover how moralistic his Taurus Woman is – and how her determination to stand up for herself or her beliefs can match his own!

Aries Woman and Taurus Man

A Taurus Man shares his Aries Woman’s desire to feel proud of a partner, and he will take the need to look his best at all times seriously, whether in public or behind closed doors. The Aries Woman will possess an eternal youthfulness that will connect with the Taurus Man’s desire to protect and nurture. He will also know precisely how to make his Aries Woman feel relaxed when she needs to take a break from her constant pursuits and will ensure her world is as comfortable – or luxurious – as possible. With a Taurus Man, a new, previously undiscovered worl

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