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Virgo & Leo Compatibility

View Virgo Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Virgo & Leo

Romance and love between a Leo and Virgo rely on both partners allowing enough time for their relationship to blossom to find common ground. Their love connection could be a constant learning curve, involving them learning from each other and much about themselves in the process. Leo can also offer Virgo unbridled – and possibly unprecedented – passion and excitement in a love relationship, and Leo’s creative talents could sweep Virgo off their feet. In return, Virgo can help Leo to apply patience to every area of Leo’s world – and that includes adopting a slower, more sensual approach to love and romance!

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Virgo & Leo

Are a Leo and Virgo sexually compatible? That depends on how much Leo craves praise – or applause – from their Virgo lover for their sexual prowess! However, Leo will need to understand that Virgo will only drop any barriers to intimacy when they’re certain a strong bond of friendship and trust exists between them. Leo might wonder why, if they’re both sexually attracted to each other, they don’t find a room, lock themselves away and indulge in all-day-and-all-night lovemaking. When Virgo’s cautiousness drops, so too will their inhibitions and Leo will be in for a real treat when that happens. Until then, Leo had better learn to focus on building trust – and a thing or two about gentle seduction.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Virgo & Leo

Intellectual compatibility and communication between Leo and Virgo will likely involve very easy, open communication on both sides. Both love to travel and could spend countless hours sharing travel and exploration stories. However, problems can arise when Leo becomes passionate about their convictions and decisions. Leo won’t want to waste time arguing with Virgo when Leo is convinced they’re right and Virgo should accept that. Intellectually, Virgo has the upper hand. They possess practicality and grounding that Leo wishes they possessed and Virgo is too intellectually proud to succumb to Leo’s passionate, emotional outbursts. Intellectual compatibility and communication between Leo and Virgo rely on both applying copious amounts of patience to understand each other’s thought processes. When common ground is finally found, they’ll make a formidable team.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Virgo & Leo

The strengths of Leo and Virgo relationship involve their ability to work effectively and impressively as a team. Leo will come up with a constant stream of ideas but will be easily distracted and rely on Virgo to apply their amazingly analytical eye to work out the finer details of Leo’s grand plans. Leo’s optimistic outlook can allay Virgo’s pessimistic tendencies. Weaknesses between a Leo and Virgo might surround a clash in basic temperaments. Virgo loves to be sociable but not on the level Leo is likely to be. Also, Leo’s grand ambitions can cause money-conscious Virgo to have many sleepless nights. If practical Virgo is going to hold the purse strings in this relationship, then Leo will need to accept that and curtail an extravagant lifestyle occasionally – or permanently!

General Compatibility between Virgo & Leo

Compatibility between a Leo and Virgo can be strong as long as both adhere to the old saying about not judging books by covers. Initially, a Leo and Virgo might feel no instant attraction. Unpretentious Virgo might find Leo’s larger than life and brash characteristics to be intimidating and off-putting. Leo might find Virgo to be too much of a shrinking violet, too conservative and unlikely to possess the passion levels or libido Leo needs in a partner. However, with patience and effort, both can discover they drew the wrong conclusions about each other. Leo craves attention but could be surprised at the deeper and more meaningful attention received by Virgo. Leo will know there’s nothing superficial about it. In return, Leo can bring a vibrant ray of sunshine to Virgo’s world and help Virgo to be less insular.

Leo Man and Virgo Woman

Leo Man and Virgo Woman compatibility could be difficult to find initially, as they have contrasted interests in many ways. However, when they push aside their differing views and outlooks, they can find intriguing and potentially delightful common ground. The Leo Man will be attracted to the Virgo Woman’s mysteriousness and sensual and seductive qualities. He might see her a bit like the mousy, insular librarian who, when she removes her glasses and lets her hair down, leaves him in awe of her hidden, sexual qualities. The Virgo Woman will be attracted to the Leo man’s sincerity and warmth. Leo Man is a born romantic with amazing creative abilities. If he applies that trait and those talents to an old-fashioned courtship, then he won’t fail to win Virgo’s heart!

Leo Woman and Virgo Man

Leo Woman and Virgo Man compatibility relies on both partners seeing through the exterior persona each displays to the real person behind it. The Virgo Man Is attentive and will know intuitively how to flatter his Leo Woman. However, while she basks in attention and adoration from him or elsewhere, the Virgo Man will be quite content to stay in the background, and not seek to steal the spotlight. However, the Leo Woman can be demanding and possesses a fierce temper that the Virgo Man will react to pragmatically. Rather than react as she expects him to toward her outbursts, he’ll cleverly identify the real reasons why an outburst occurred and help her to address them. The Leo Woman will adore the Virgo Man for making a genuine effort to truly understand her.

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