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Aries 2021 Money Horoscope

To begin with, it is business as usual on both sides of the financial fence. The last planet to leave your financial sector in 2020 left just before Christmas, wrapping up last year’s focus on money matters. With no more planetary activity in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence that is more focused on what you do with and how you manage the money you have until September, the money gods’ focus is now fully on income matters again. That is because, with Uranus in your income sector from 2019 to 2026, this is the default focus when the faster moving planets aren’t moving through either of your two money houses. Uranus has been in retrograde motion since August so while the focus has shifted back onto the income side of the financial fence, not a lot is happening or at least that is what first impressions will suggest.

That will change dramatically with Mars’ return to your income sector on 7th January, just a week before Uranus’ direct turn on 14th January. Together, this will shock income matters back into life and out of hibernation. Mars’ return to Aries last June should have put him six weeks away from your income sector but instead, a retrograde turn has held him back so he will be ready to make up for lost time. While Jupiter and Saturn both left your career sector just before Christmas the Sun, Mercury and Venus will all be working in January to get this new professional year up to speed, with Mars’ return a case of perfect timing. Until leaving on 4th March, Mars will be fighting to smash through glass ceilings and roadblocks, whether real or imagined and after Uranus has been in retrograde motion for five months, get things moving again.

This is something that Venus, the planet of money will take up from when she returns on 15th April to begin what are often the most potentially lucrative weeks of any year though with Mars competing for that title. The Sun and Mercury will follow Venus into your income sector and until the Sun’s departure on 21st May will work to gain as much traction and momentum as possible, knowing that Uranus can keep the momentum going. It is in September that Venus will put the focus back onto money matters and from her return on 11th September to Mars’ departure on 13th December there will be a chance to give money matters as much traction as possible

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