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Scorpio 2021 Horoscope

For many Scorpios, this is a year for putting down roots, becoming more grounded and with a lot more focus on home, family and/or property matters. This is thanks to Saturn and Jupiter’s return to your home and family sector in the closing weeks of 2020 and the start of a new journey that has already begun. Saturn spent three and a half months here in 2020, returning in March and then retrograding back out in early July. Jupiter wasn’t there at the time so this was just about Saturn’s mandate, which often focuses on the challenges rather than the opportunities. There is a chance to look back to that time last year, knowing that the foundations have already been laid. This time Jupiter is here and that means that while there might need to take more responsibility there is also plenty of opportunities.

Saturn is here until 2023 so is playing a long game and many of the challenges he can bring come months or even years down the track and often after not dealing with things upfront. To have Jupiter here in the early phase brings the confidence and motivation to invest what is required in order to get the rewards. Jupiter is normally here for 12 months but will rush through before leaving on 14th May, only to retrograde back in from 29th July to 29th December. It is where Jupiter is in such a hurry to get here that is this year’s best kept secret. Seven months ahead of schedule, Jupiter will not only return to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart from 14th May to 29th July but will team up with Neptune here. This is the first time that the planets of luck and dreams have been here at the same time in our lifetime and they will come together here three times over the course of 2021 and 2022.

Another feature of 2021 that will help to balance Saturn’s more solid position is the fact that Venus and Mars, the planets that spent much of 2020 at a standstill are back up and moving. Mars will move through nine areas of your chart in 2021 and that will see his passion, drive, warrior and competitive spirit spread across a wide swath of your life, including a return to Scorpio from 31st October to 13th December. Venus is doing the same, often returning ahead of the other planets and her return to Scorpio will be so far ahead of the other planets that her return from 11th September to 8th October will be over before your birthday month even begins, giving your heart the first say in a lot of things this year.

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