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Gemini 2021 Horoscope

Each year is a roll of the dice and as you wait to see what kind of year the gods have in store, what we all want is a year that has the right balance. Too much of a good thing is just as challenging as too much of a bad thing and it appears that the gods have it just right this year. Saturn and Jupiter both returned to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery in the final weeks of 2020 and this will be the dominant force in 2021. When looking to the challenges that any year might present we look to Saturn and when looking for the opportunities we look to Jupiter, who are rarely in the same area of your chart at the same time. That changed in 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn met up in your financial sector, making that a financial year full of both challenges and opportunities.

This year it is happening again but they have moved to a more adventurous field. This not only makes 2021 full of opportunities for adventure, travel, learning and discovery but for things like publishing, connecting with the world physically or digitally. The internet, publishing and even astrology belong to this area of your chart, as you search to expand your mind and enrich your experiences. This also puts Saturn and Jupiter at a friendly aspect to your Gemini Sun, for Saturn at some point over the course of the next three years and Jupiter over the course of this year. Saturn is here until 2023 but Jupiter will come and go and that is what gives this year more balance and variety. Jupiter will leave and return to your career sector from 14th May to 29th July, returning again on 29th December and then once more in 2022.

Jupiter will move into and out of your career sector three times over the course of 2021 and 2022 and with Neptune here from 2012 to 2026, this will bring the planets of luck and dreams together here for the first time in our lifetime. The balance between the adventurous and professional focus makes 2021 an exciting year. This is also a chance to get on top of things financially and no matter the experience of having Jupiter and Saturn together in your financial sector last year Venus, the planet of money will spend an extraordinary amount of time here in 2021. First from 9th January to 2nd February and then again from 6th November to March 2022. This is also a good year for you personally and with the North Node in Gemini for the whole of 2021, for following your own path and truth.

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