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Cancer 2021 Career Horoscope

Starting the year with Mars in your career sector will be a mixed blessing or so it might seem to begin with. On the one hand, starting the year with Mars in your career sector means that your professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit will be fuelled from the get go and while he will leave on 7th January, this will give this professional year a head start. On the other hand, normally here for just six weeks Mars has instead been here since June 2020 and chances are, you are feeling battle weary, having spent the second half of 2020 going backward and forward over the same ground. You begin 2021 with both the scars and spoils of war, with a chance to exploit the latter and heal from the other as the early weeks and months of 2021 progress.

With the Sun not returning to your career sector until 20th March, there is a chance to let things settle and play out once Mars leaves and to put more focus on work and job matters. For while you begin the year with Mars in the final days of a seven month visit to your career sector, you also begin the year with Venus in your work sector and she is fresh and full of enthusiasm. Venus was the last of the faster moving planets to reach your work sector in 2020 so is working to make up for lost time. Venus will leave on 9th January but the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment who begins the year here as well, will remain until 15th November. Juno will still be here when Venus comes full circle on 8th October, beginning this year’s most active months on the job front, which will then run through to January 2022.

At the same time that you will have Juno keeping watch over work and job matters until she is relieved of her duties later in the year and this will help you to remain committed, you also have the same on the career front. There it is the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos who will watch over career matters but like Juno, staying in the background. Meanwhile, there is a defining month on the career front that will help you exploit the full potential from Mars’ time here and set put on course for the coming year. That month runs from 20th March to 20th April and is not only the month that the Sun will spend here but that will contain both Venus and Mercury’s visit. This will be a short and compressed month that could unleash all the treasures that have been piling up from last year.

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