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Capricorn 2021 Love Horoscope

Mars, who didn’t visit your romantic or relationship sectors in 2020 will visit both this year and you won’t have to wait long to get your first taste of the warrior planet’s influence. By the end of June 2020, Mars had reached a point that would normally put him just six weeks away from your romantic sector but instead, a retrograde turn means that even as you move into 2021 he is yet to arrive. On the other side of 2020 and all its challenges and demands, Mars final return to your romantic sector on 7th January is a chance to push the ‘reset’ button and to give matters of the heart a major boost. Uranus, in your romantic sector until 2026 but in retrograde motion for the second half of 2020, will finally turn direct on 14th January, a week after Mars’ return.

This will see Mars return to fire things up on the romantic front, just as matters of the heart are about to come out of hibernation. Combined, this will give matters of the heart and the spirit of romance a boost in the early days of the year and while Mars will leave on 4th March, what he can begin during that time Uranus can keep fuelled for the rest of the year. Uranus had that ability last year but he didn’t have Mars stoke the romantic flame in the way that he will do this year and right at the start, this can set the scene for the coming year. While Mars will be gone when Venus, the planet of love returns on 15th April and the Sun and Mercury over the coming days, they will all benefit from and build on from Mars’ legacy. Once the Sun leaves on 21st May Uranus will be on his own and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits will remain on his own for the rest of the year but the momentum will have been created by then.

Mars will also visit your relationship sector this year but unlike your romantic sector, here there is no ongoing planetary activity but he will find a lot less push back from planets in Capricorn when he returns on 24th April. This is just days after Venus’ return to your romantic sector so this new relationship chapter will happen in the early days of a second romantic surge. Every planet that returned to your relationship sector last year got push back from Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn but as they are gone, that won’t be the case this year. Mars will move through your relationship sector from 24th April to 12th June but this time the faster planets will catch up. Mercury, the planet of communication will return on 4th May but not leave until 12th July, with the planet of communication spending over two months rather than his typical two weeks here.

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