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Cancer & Aries Compatibility

View Cancer Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Cancer & Aries

This pairing could be a classic case of opposites attracting. Both have different attitudes and needs where romantic relationships are concerned. However, when these different approaches are combined, they can make each other feel comforted, protected and willing to rise to any challenge together. Aries can be helped to connect with and understand their emotions better by Cancer and Aries can encourage Cancer to be less withdrawn and self-protective. As long as strong and constant communication exists between them, they can overcome almost any obstacle they encounter and create a love that will stand the test of time.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Cancer & Aries

Cancer wants and needs deep, emotional bonding with plenty of tenderness involved. To them, intimacy is a bonding of souls, not something done recreationally or as a quick form of physical release. Aries isn’t interested in forming deep and meaningful connections – at least not initially – and Cancer could find their approach to intimacy to be brusque and unresponsive. That doesn’t mean Aries is incapable of connecting with deep emotions, they simply need more time to do so. Therefore, Cancer will have to be patient and nurture Aries’s ability to be more emotionally demonstrative and compassionate. With patience and trust on both sides, their physical connection can go from tame to thrilling in a very short space of time.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Cancer & Aries

Communication will likely be a constant challenge between an Aries and Cancer. Aries tends to speak first and wonder later if they should have. Cancer struggles to remove emotions from any conversation. Aries wants to make their point quickly and without interruption or distraction. Cancer will often find Aries’s words to be hurtful or insensitive, even when Aries tries to be calm and congenial. Cancer won’t be able to conceal their hurt feelings, and Aries won’t understand why they often react so sensitively or emotionally to what’s said innocuously. If Aries can accept Cancer’s sensitivities and Cancer can encourage Aries to engage in conversations that are less one-sided, all will be well.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Cancer & Aries

Once this couple, accepts they’re a partnership and have much to offer each other, the combination will get along wonderfully. Aries will be the go-getter and be busy rising to challenges and making their mark on the world while Cancer quietly supports them. Each partner’s ability to provide what the other lacks brings balance to this relationship. However, it will require both partners to be willing to adapt to accommodate each other’s needs constantly. Unless Aries is willing to be as open as Cancer needs him or her to be, Cancer will feel as if they’re constantly priming themselves for tension or confrontation.

General Compatibility between Cancer & Aries

Both Aries and Cancer are extremely protective toward those they love. Cancer connects with their innate nurturing abilities to ensure a loved one’s world is emotionally secure and comfortable. Aries is the knight in shining armor, who applies strength and bravery to take care of those closest to him or her. Cancer’s constant need to nurture can appear possessive, which independent Aries will not take kindly to. However, all Aries needs to do is reassure Cancer that they are loved and cherished. Aries can benefit from listening to Cancer, whose intuitive advice can help with reducing silly mistakes made from Aries’s impulsiveness.

Aries Man and Cancer Woman

An Aries Man and Cancer Woman work to their own agendas in many ways. The Cancer Woman is unlikely to be the ‘damsel in distress’ as she appears to be, and Aries Man mustn’t underestimate her enormous reserves of inner strength. Aries Man isn’t always the knight in shining armor he appears to be, as he is on a lifelong quest for approval. This fuels his competitive nature and desire to be ‘the best.’ However, when this couple embraces the spirit of teamwork, each offers what the other lacks and they complement each other’s personalities – and talents – superbly.

Aries Woman and Cancer Man

The Cancer Man will be attracted to the Aries Woman’s strong but feminine qualities, confidence, and directness. However, the Cancer Man is extremely intuitive and can see past her tough, no-nonsense exterior to her inner sensitivities. He will understand that her loud or larger-than-life persona shields her insecurities. The Cancer Man will know how to make the Aries Woman feel more secure, cared for and reduce her need to be self-protective. The Aries Woman might feel as if she has been ‘tamed’ but will know her Cancer Man has done

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