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Cancer & Gemini Compatibility

View Cancer Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Cancer & Gemini

Cancer is the nurturer in the relationship, Gemini is the thinker. Gemini might come up with a plethora of ideas for the couple to enjoy together, but it will probably be Cancer who transforms them into something romantic. Cancer is powerfully intuitive and manages to create an almost psychic connection with a partner, but their intense love can lean toward possessiveness and feel claustrophobic at times to freedom-loving Gemini. As long as Gemini reassures Cancer constantly that they’re adored, then a love connection can be buoyant and long-lasting.

Romance Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Cancer & Gemini

Gemini probably doesn’t share Cancer’s belief that intimacy should be a bonding of souls. Although Gemini has a strong libido, sex and intimacy to them is more recreational than loving. Gemini has a clear agenda in mind when it comes to sex, and this likely involves it being a fun, ‘quick fix’ of satisfaction than anything deep or profound. ‘Oral sex’ to a Gemini will mean plenty of talking and differ considerably from what a Cancer had in mind. However, Gemini can encourage Cancer to be more communicative when it comes to intimacy. Cancer can encourage Gemini to experience a depth of emotional, physical contact probably unlike anything Gemini has experienced before.

Romance Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Cancer & Gemini

Cancer will put a secure and stable home or family as a priority, and carefree Gemini will want a life full of fun, friends and mental stimulation. Cancer will see Gemini as spending too much time being sociable, and Gemini will see Cancer as too serious and preoccupied with unfounded worries and sentimentality. Cancer’s keenness to look back at the past will annoy the forward-looking Gemini. However, Cancer and Gemini compatibility will involve plenty of laughter. An ability to view life in a lighthearted way will underpin their intellectual and communicative bond when they agree to work as a team.

Romance Strengths and Weaknesses between Cancer & Gemini

Gemini and Cancer compatibility combines Gemini’s intellect and Cancer’s emotions. To Gemini, everything must be rational, logical and offer some degree of mental challenge. Cancer is much more attuned to their intuition, feelings or ‘gut instinct.’ When this relationship works well, this couple comes up with ideas and makes decisions that are intellectually sound and instinctively spot-on. However, Gemini craves the freedom to meet, mingle and, at times, flirt which will infuriate and upset Cancer. Cancer could feel isolated or detached at times from Gemini’s social interests and pursuits.

Romance General Compatibility between Cancer & Gemini

Gemini wants to be out and about, meeting, learning and exploring. Cancer wants to focus on creating a loving, nurturing home life. Therefore, from an early stage of this relationship, a Gemini and Cancer will need to compromise if a long-lasting love connection is to be formed and sustained. Gemini will need to understand that Cancer ‘feels’ deeply more than they ‘think’ but struggles at times to express themselves clearly. This could confuse Gemini who rarely struggles to convey anything with crystal clarity. Gemini must learn to ‘feel’ more than they ‘think’ sometimes, and Cancer is superbly placed to help with that. Cancer must accept that Gemini’s need for freedom to pursue interests close to their heart doesn’t make them incapable of forming deep, loving connections.

Romance Gemini Man and Cancer Woman

The Gemini Man will likely be attracted to the Cancer Woman by sensing her abilities to take care of and protect him, as she grants him the freedom he needs to pursue his intellectual interests. Although this isn’t an entirely inaccurate assessment on the Gemini Man’s part, he will need to learn early in the relationship that the Cancer Woman is no pushover or shrinking violet. She will only meet his needs if she feels absolute and unconditional love and respect from him. She has strong motherly qualities and will do her utmost to make him feel cared for and satisfied in every way but won’t be taken advantage of. It might take Gemini Man some time to understand this.

Romance Gemini Woman and Cancer Man

Plenty of mutual attraction could exist between a Gemini Woman and Cancer Man from the outset. He will be attracted to her liveliness, lightheartedness, communicative skills and ability to be a fantastic listener and confidante. The Gemini Woman could be enchanted by Cancer Man’s romantic nature and innate desire to nurture and protect her. However, this couple will need to apply consistent effort to their relationship to keep it buoyant and interesting. Gemini Woman’s flightiness and short attention spans could cause Cancer Man to feel insecure. Gemini Woman might find Cancer’s Man’s need for constant love and reassurance to be smothering at times and his regular mood swings might require her to summon more patience than she can muster.

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